Tien X Reader

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I was enjoying my day off at the mall. I decided to grab some food before heading home.  That's when I saw him

The man with 3 eyes. He was extremely good looking and truthfully I was curious about the 3rd eye

He was accompanied by a much smaller man. He looked and sounded like a child but I'm almost positive he is a man.

He had pale white skin and red cheeks.

I was staring at them when the man with 3 eyed suddenly turned towards me.

I blushed and quickly looked away. But it was too late, he had already seen me. I looked up again and saw he was walking towards me

I stood up and threw my food away, trying to make my exit

The man was too fast

"Hi" he jumped in front of me

He appeared so fast I didn't have time to move. I ran right into him

"I'm sorry!" He grabbed my arm before I fell to the ground, pulling me up right again

"It's okay" I chuckled

"I saw you staring at me" he said

My face went red with embarrassment

"I'm so sorry. I was just. I mean...you have 3 eyes. I'm sure you get stared at a lot. Not that anything is wrong with 3 eyes! I was just curious!" I stumbled over my words

He began to chuckle "it's okay. You're right, I am used to it. But I never get beautiful women staring at it. Just men who seemed freaked out"

My face got even redder. I didn't know it was possible to blush this hard

"I'm Tien" he smiled and stuck out his hand

"I'm Y/n" I shook his hand

We started walking towards my car

"So" I said

"How do you have 3 eyes? I mean you look human but" I pointed to my eye-less forehead

He chuckled "Deep meditation"

"So like....you're a monk?" I asked

He smiled and shook his head "nope. I just train and meditate hard. I push my body past normal human limits"

We stepped outside and I raised my eyebrow at him "how?"

He grabbed my hand and we flew into the air. We were above the whole mall

I clung to him tightly as I looked down at the small people

"Wow" I said as I admired the world below

"I can also do some cool moves like shoot beams from my hands and stuff" he smiled at me

"This is amazing" I loosened my grip on him

He looked to the sky and then to me me and smirked "do you wanna go on a date? Like right now?"

I was slightly caught off guard "u-uh-what?"

He chuckled "I don't know I just feel...good around you. Like I'm not some weirdo. I just told you I can shoot beams from my hands, I have 3 eyes, and we are currently flying and all you seem to be interested in is our surroundings. You don't see me as anything other than a guy"

I smiled "well you are a guy. A guy who just happens to be basically a superhero"

I looked back down "yes" I said


"I'll go on a date with you. Right now" I looked back to him

He smiled and held me tightly as we flew off towards the sea

We landed on a small island with a pink house

"Do you live here?" I asked

"No. Also just uh...stay outside!" He ran inside

I looked around and saw a huge turtle laying by the water

"Whoa" I slowly walked to it and admired it's size

"You're beautiful" I whispered as I knelt down beside it

It turned its head toward me "Thank you" it said

I screamed and jumped back

Tien ran out of the house and straight towards me

"Are you okay?!" He asked as he helped me up

"The turtle spoke to me!" I looked back to the turtle

"She said I was beautiful. So I said thank you" he began to slowly make his way to the house

"That's Trutle. He's Master Roshi's friend" Tien smiled

An old man and a pig man walked out of the house to greet Turtle

"Hot damn!" The old man yelled as he ran towards me.

Tien stood in front of you and blocked the man

"Hiya babe! I'm Roshi!" He winked

"H-hi...I'm Y/n" I said from behind Tien

"And I'm Oolong!" The pig man said

"I'm going back inside to grab something. You better leave her alone" he said to the 2 men

They just smiled as Tien walked away

"So you're with cyclops huh?" Oolong said

I squinted "that's rude"

Tien walked out of the house with a basket and walked over to me

"Let's go" he smiled and handed me the basket. I took it in my hands as he wrapped his arms around me and flew off

He landed on a huge rock formation in the middle of the ocean

He set me down and took the basket, removing a blanket from inside

He set it down and sat facing the sun

I sat next to him and smiled

"It isn't some gourmet food and a fancy date but it's also last minute" he chuckled as he pulled some sandwiches from the basket

I smiled "it's perfect. I prefer this Over some fancy dinner date any day"

We sat and watched the sun set as we ate and talked

"I really enjoyed this Tien" I said as we packed up

"Me too Y/n" he smiled at me

I walked over to the edge and watched the water crash against the rock

I turned to find Tien right behind me. He slowly leaned in towards me

I started to close the gap between us but the ground beneath my feet started to rumble

The rock broke apart and I fell towards the water

I screamed and closed my eyes but felt arms around me

Tien had jumped down and caught me.

My chest was pressed against his as he held me

He flew up towards the top of the rock but I smiled "go higher" I said

He flew high above the water. We floated in the sunset as the water crashed into the rock beneath us.

Tien smiled at me and I felt safe. He made me feel so comfortable and happy.

"Kiss me" I said

He didn't even question it. He leaned in and our lips crashed together. I gripped his shirt as he deepened the kiss

We pulled apart and he smiled at me "I'm glad I caught you staring at me today"

I giggled and kissed his cheek "Me too"

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