Vegeta X Reader (Abused Human)

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I was running as fast as I could. I was terrified of what would happen if they caught me. My ex boyfriend and his best friend chased me down the street and screamed at me

"You dumb bitch!" Charlie screamed as I turned the corner. I managed to get ahead of them and I turned another corner, bumping into someone. I felt their arms wrap around my waist and they caught me before I fell.

I stared up at the stranger and was taken back by their looks. He was the most handsome thing I'd ever seen. He had tall spiky black hair, he was incredibly muscular, he had on a brown leather jacket with a black hoodie under it, black ripped jeans, and brown boots.

I froze in his arms as he stared at me. His eye didn't wonder down my body, they stayed on my eyes. He slowly let me go and his curious eyes turned angry as he clenched his jaw

"Watch where you're going" He harshly said. His voice was deep and rough and all I wanted was to hear more of it.

"Y/n!!!" Brandon screamed. He sounded close and I couldn't get caught. I looked back to the stranger, who had his arms crossed and his black brow raised, and took off running again

*Vegeta's Pov*

"Why did I let him talk me into this? Kakarot knows I hate going out in public. I hate these humans with a burning passion" I thought to myself as I walked back and forth in front of the restaurant, waiting for Kakarot.

He had convinced me to have dinner with him at a public restaurant and I agreed after 3 hours of begging. I don't know why I did, maybe deep, deep, deep, deep, deeeeeep down...I want to be around humans.

I began walking towards the end of the street and a woman came around the corner. She ran right into me and fell back. I grabbed her to stop her from falling and I almost gasped at her beauty.

I don't care much for female humans but this one...she was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't help but stare at her and she stared at me. Her small body fit right into my big arms. Her eyes were wide, like she was scared. But I don't think she was scared of me

I slowly let her go and realized I was letting down my defenses. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes at her

"Watch where your going" I harshly barked at her. She didn't say anything. She barely even moved

"Y/n!!!" A male voice yelled out. Her body tensed up as she looked behind her. She looked back at me with her beautiful eyes and then suddenly took off running. I turned and watched her sprint down the street and around the corner

Two average looking men rounded the corner she just came from and stopped when they saw me

"Hey, dude, have you seen a girl about this tall" The man who yelled was speaking to me. He held his hand up to his shoulder and continued

"Her hair was down and messy and she was running?" He asked me. I knew he was talking about the girl I had just seen

"No" I coldly said. The men looked from me to one another and then back

"Okay, thanks anyways" The taller one said as they began running again. I watched them turn the opposite corner from the girl.

"Hm" I said. I didn't care enough to check it out so I stayed and waited for Kakarot

*The next day*

"You had a good time yesterday, don't lie" Kakarot laughed as we sat down in the booth of a diner.

He was right, I actually enjoyed dinning out amongst the humans. But I wouldn't admit it

"Eh" I said. A waitress handed us a menu and winked at me before walking away

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