Vegeta X Reader (Female Saiyan)

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"I-I'm sorry!" The pathetic Saiyan man cried out. I smirked down at him and shot a blast at his head, instantly killing him.

"Y/n, let's go" Justin harshly yelled out. I rolled my eyes and kicked the traitor's dead body before walking back to my ship.

We flew back to Planet Maruna and landed on the docking platform. I walked out of the ship first and was greeted by claps and cheers for killing the traitor. Stupid fucking kiss asses. I crossed my arms and ignored them as I walked into the castle. I walked straight to the throne room and stood before my father, King Cilex. He stared down at my bloody, broken, damaged armor and looked back up to my eyes.

"Is it done?" He asked me. He already knew the answer to that question.

"Yes. The traitor has been taken care of" I harshly said.

"Good. We'll have a celebration tonight by holding a huge dinner party" He said as he waved me away. I nodded and left the throne room and walked to my personal room.

I threw my armor off, showered, and changed into my casual uniform. I walked out of the room ran straight into Justin.

"Hey beautiful" He smiled at me. I scoffed in disgust and rolled my eyes as I walked past him.

"Y/n!" He called out as he ran after me. I hated Justin. He was constantly flirting with me and trying to outdo me on the battle field.

"What" I harshly asked. He smiled at me and then looked straight ahead.

"I heard your father was having a party tonight to celebrate you killing that traitor, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me" He asked.

"Uhhhhhh, fuck no?" I said as I raised a brow. Why would he ever think I'd go with him?

"Please" He stopped walking and begged.

"Nooooope" I said again as I kept walking. He sighed and walked away from me and I smiled, knowing I broke his heart.


The dinner was boring and filled with stupid ass, kiss up, dumb fuck heads who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how great my father was. We get it. You suck the King's dick.

After dinner I walked to my room and went straight to bed. Justin came barging into my room and demanded I let him take me out on a date. I got out of bed and stared at him with my jaw clenched. Who the fuck does he think he is? I punched him in the face physically kicked him out of my room. I slammed the door and locked it.

"So tired of that stupid fuck. If he wasn't the best soldier we had, besides me, I'd kill him" I said to myself as I laid back down in bed.


My father sent Justin and I put on another mission. We traveled to some strange planet that took us 6 hours on autopilot to get to. The ships landed and we climbed out and stretched as we looked around.

"Why are we here again?" Justin asked me.

"King Cilex wants us to check it out and see who, or what, inhabits it. He might want to take it over, who knows" I shrugged. We began walking and I kept ignoring all of Justin's attempts at speaking to me.

"Just consider one date with me. Please!" He asked. I heard a twig snap and crouched down behind a bush as I shushed him. The snap was too hard to be a small animal and too light to be a heavy animal.

"Yeah, this planet is bare. We'll inform King Vegeta before we head back. Maybe he has another mission for us while we're out" A male said as he and another male walked past us. I didn't recognize their armor but something else caught my eye. Their tails. They had tails just like my people and I did. They had hair like we did too. They looked just like Saiyans but I've never seen them before. And they said "King Vegeta" who the hell is Vegeta? Cilex is the King of all Saiyans. He's been King for 50 years and his father was King before that. And his father before that and his father before that.

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