Vegeta X Reader (High school)

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*Vegeta's Pov*

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*Vegeta's Pov*

"Look, I know you hate this but it has to be this way. You'll be okay, my boy. You've battled army's upon army's of disgusting alien creatures! You've killed Kings of planets! You've helped me lead our people on this journey to find a new home. I believe in your ability to do this and succeed at this" My father said as he looked at me with a proud smile. I clenched my jaw and looked behind him to the building he wants me to enter. He called it High school. He said normal humans go here to learn and experience life in a different way. Ha! Losers. I learn from the older Saiyans I battle along side. I experience life by living it! Not sitting in some room for 8 hours a fucking day.

We moved to planet Earth 4 years ago. We brought what was left of our people and built a small town in the woods a few miles from here. It was secluded for the longest time, until some hunter and his friend found our town. They called the cops because they were confused by the new addition to their community popping up in the woods. The police came and inspected our homes and we had to act human. They ordered the children and teenagers to attend school and that included me. The mayor then cut down the trees around our town and build a few roads and sidewalks to connect our part of town with the rest of the town.

We all cut our tails off because this planet has a moon that changes us. It was dangerous for us to keep our tails and risk exposing who we were. I hated that too. He told us we all had to lie low and that we needed to try to become more human.

Our community was made up of 4 families and 8 single Saiyans. The kids and teens in the community were ages 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 17. I was obviously the oldest one. Because we were so far apart in age, they didn't attend the same school as I did and that kinda upset me. They got to go through this with the support of each other. I was alone.

"Just try it out. I heard something about homeschooling or something. If this doesn't work, we can try that" My father said as he patted my shoulder.

"Fine" I harshly said. He told me to hide my powers and who I truly was. We were using a common fake last name to get by. Smith. It sounded so stupid but we had to inorder to seem more human. I was no longer allowed to wear any Saiyan uniform or armor in public. I had to wear human clothes. Today I had on black jeans, a plain dark red t-shirt, and black boots. I refuse to wear anything other than boots. I tried to wear black gloves but my dad said humans typically only wear gloves during the cold seasons.

"When they send you home, make sure you're alone before you fly off" My father said. I nodded and crossed my arms as he looked back to the school.

"And try to make friends. Who knows, maybe you'll find some people you like in there" He said as he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the building with the rest of the teenager humans. I was immediately getting stared at and whispered about but I didn't care, I knew I was better than these losers.

My hair was what brought most of the attention. Humans don't have hair like Saiyans do. They can change their hair style and color at will, we can not. My hair stuck straight up and was black. I couldn't style it differently or dye it, not that I want to. I'm proud of my Saiyan hair.

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