Frieza X Reader (Lord Beerus' Daughter)

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"Y/n, your father wants you in the dining room" Whis softly said as he knocked on my door. I opened it and smiled up at the tall angel

"You seem happy today" He giggled as we walked down the hall towards the dining room

"I am! I think Dad's gonna finally let me take some charge for once in my life. I mean, I'm the daughter of a God! I need to have more...more...control over things" I said as we stopped at the large double doors

"I agree. You aren't a child anymore but you know how your father is" Whis shrugged

"He's overprotective and crazy" I laughed and pushed the doors open to see my father sitting at the very end of a large table filled with food

"Hi Daddy" I greeted him as I sat at the other end of the table. He smiled at me and looked to Whis, losing his smile

"I don't appreciate you telling my daughter she isn't a child anymore" He snapped

"But My lord, she isn't. She's 20 years old. And according to most species, that's an adult" Whis smiled at me

"That's still a baby!!" My father yelled. I chuckled and began eating the wonderful dinner Whis made for us. My father was definitely crazy when it came to me but he wasn't wrong. 20 years is still a baby when it comes to God's and Angels. My father is over 900 years old and Whis is even older than that. My mother was younger than my father but only by a hundred years. My mother...she was the most beautiful angel that ever lived

"You're thinking about her" I heard my father say. I looked up to him and gave him a sad shrug. How does he always know

"I miss her too" I heard his say so softly it was almost a whisper. Lucky for me I ended up with my father's incredible hearing. My mother and father had a very complicated relationship. It wasn't allowed. A God and an angel in love was something no one had ever heard of before. And when she got pregnant? Oh man was there trouble. But after the Grand Priest, my grandfather, convinced Zeno that my mother and father were truly in love, everyone accepted it. There was some confusion before I was born though. Would I serve as a God or an Angel? What would I look like? What would my powers be?

Zeno was excited about the baby my mother was to birth so he didn't let her leave his sight. She went into labor and gave birth to me right in front of his throne. I look exactly like my mother and have none of my father's cat features. I do have most of his powers mixed with a few of my mother's, as well as my father's cat hearing and senses.

"Dad?" I looked over to him and he had his mouth full of food

"Yes dear?" He asked me after he swallowed

"When will you let me do something God related?" I asked. I was being raised as an angel by my mother but she passed away when I was 7. My father began raising me as a Goddess of Destruction and I tried my best to accept it. But I wasn't angry like my father was...I was happy like my mother

"You're too young" He said as he slurped up some noodles

"Just some small responsibility! That's all I ask! Pllleeeaaassseeee!" I pointed my lip and gave him the puppy dog eyes. My father was a scary man who destroyed world's and killed millions of people for no reason. Until I put on my "please" act. Then he's a big ol' softy

"Fine" He grunted and looked to Whis

"Find her something small to do" He commanded. Whis smiled at me and nodded to my father

"Very well My lord" Whis looked into the orb on the top of his staff and began making thinking noises

"Hmm. HMMMM. Huh...okayyy....Hmmm" He stared at his orb for what seemed like forever until he finally smiled at me

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