Ginyu X Reader

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I've always dreamed of joining the Ginyu force. They were 5 of the strongest warriors in the universe.

I also had a small crush on the leader, Captain Ginyu

I sat in my room with my brother Tomtae, day dreaming about being on the force

"It will NEVER happen" my brother yelled at me

I threw a small blast at him and went back to my thoughts.

"It could happen..If I could just show them how strong I was!"

Someone banged on the door "Lord Frieza has called a meeting!"

Tomtae and I ran to the meeting room and stood proud as Lord Frieza entered

"Some of you may have heard the rumors and some may have not. Burter from the Ginyu force was killed yesterday. Captain Ginyu is looking for a 5th member to join his team. I will be holding an audition of sorts. Line up and show me your power"

We all formed a long line. Soldier after solider went up against Lord Frieza. And solider after solider failed to show enough strength for the Force.

Finally Tomtae was up

"When I get picked for the Force I'll tell Captain Ginyu you got a girl boner for him" he chuckled

I punched his arm and he walked towards Frieza

He didn't last long.

"Next" Zarbon said

I walked up to Lord Frieza and took my stance

"Don't go easy on me girl. I need to see your full strength" he smirked

I nodded and blasted him

He was knocked back a little but smirked at me. He charged hus blast and shot it at me. I dodged it and blasted him again

He stood up and flew towards me. I jumped back and punched him in the face

He fell to the ground

"Lord Frieza I'm sorry!" I helped him up.

He punched me in the stomach and I fell to my knees

He charged another blast and aimed at me

"Don't" I heard someone yell

I turned and saw Captain Ginyu standing behind Frieza

"She's the one. Not only did she show you she could hurt you, she still understands you are her superior and apologized for hurting you. She's clearly loyal yet a free thinker"

He extended his hand to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

He was at least 2 feet taller than I was. I stared up into his eyes. Ginyu smiled at me and let my hand go

"Let's go" he walked away from Frieza and towards the pods.

We got into our separate pods and took off towards another planet

When we landed Ginyu was greeted by the other members

"This is Jeice, Recoome, and Guldo"

The 3 men did a small dance and greeted me

"Now that you are taking Burters place we should probably figure out a new dance routine" Jeice said

"You get on that Jeice" Ginyu said

He walked towards a small fire and sat on a log. He motioned for me to sit next to him.

I sat down and felt the warmth of the fire on my skin

"Being in the Ginyu force will be different than being with Frieza. We are freelancers mostly. We respect one another and stay loyal to the very end. Got it?"

"Yes Captain Ginyu" I nodded and warmed my hands by the fire

I felt Ginyu staring at me

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"You are the first woman we've had on the team. It's interesting. The men won't try anything with you unless you want. Like I said. We respect each other"

I smiled and looked away

"Captain Ginyu?"


"What if I want someone to try something with me?" I asked

He chuckled "Well I don't know. We've never had a female member, like I said before, so I'm not sure what would happen. You could have relationships with other members as long as it doesn't cause issue with your work"

We both looked at the fire and sat in silence

"Who is it?" He asked

"Who is who?" I looked to him

"Who do you wish to have a relationship with?"

I didn't answer

"Jeice?" He asked

I shook my head no



"So it's Recoome! He's a goofy one but a good guy"

"No" I stood up and walked to my pod

"I'm going to get some sleep.."

*That night*

I heard a small knock on the pod window

I opened the door and saw Ginyu standing before me

"It's me isn't it?" He said

I climbed out and nodded

"If we do this then it's a one time thing. Got it?" He said


He kissed me passionately. I pushed him into the pod and climbed on top of him

He said it was a one time thing but I don't think it will be

*A couple days later*

Ever since that night Captain Ginyu has been extra towards me. He gives me extra food and special jobs

We came upon a planet that we were supposed to destroy

We jumped from our pods and did our introduction dance routine

The citizens of the planet laughed at us

We quickly wiped out the planet and it's people. During the fight my pod was destroyed

"You can come with me" Jeice winked at me

"She will be riding with me" Captain Ginyu snapped

"Riding with or on?" I joked to myself

Ginyu got into his pod and I squeezed in beside him

We were so close I could feel his breath on my neck

We took off into space and sat in silence

I turned my head to him "Captain Giny-"

He cut me off with a strong and deep kiss. I put my hand on his face and pushed my body against his.

I pulled away and chuckled "I thought it was one a time thing?"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me back into the kiss.

I finally had my dreams come true.

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