Pt. 2 Vegeta X Reader (Female Saiyan)

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*This is Part two to "Vegeta X Reader (Female Saiyan) so read that before this to understand :)*

I heard a knock on my door and groaned as I sat up in bed. I had been out drinking last night with some of my warriors and I was definitely hung over.

I stumbled out of my room and into the living room towards the front door. I squinted my eyes and let out a long sigh as I prepared to open the door.

"Y/n!" Vegeta screamed as he pounded again. The noise made me want to kill myself. I opened my door and the bright sun blinded me so I used my hand to shield my eyes from it.

"Yes?" I asked Vegeta.

"What the fuck were you doing last night?" He harshly asked me as he walked into my house, pushing me aside with his shoulder. I groaned, closed the door, and lowered my hand away from my eyes. Vegeta stood in my living room with his arms crossed and his brows furrowed in anger. This always happens when I go out drinking.

It's been 2 months since I found out the truth about my father. I have my own home on Planet Vegeta, where I now live with the other Saiyans, I've successfully lead our army in 1 war and 2 mini wars against other races and I've made a few friends. My relationship with Vegeta has been a strange one. He constantly acts like he's interested in me more than a friend should be, but then he turns around and fucks some random Saiyan girl when he's bored.

I've decided to say "fuck this" about my feelings towards him and that's only caused more issues. Whenever I hang out with other Saiyans, Vegeta loses his mind when he finds out. And I guess he found out about last night.

"I went out drinking?" I answered as I sat on the couch and rubbed my temples.

"With who" He harshly demanded to know. It wasn't any of his business but I always tell him anyways.

"Alex, Tunga, Cudlet, and Edney" I sighed, knowing he was going to lose his mind because those we're all males.

"Why?! What the hell are you doing drinking with your warriors!! They see you in vulnerable situations when you're drunk out of your mind! How will they even respect you after you show them you're a drunk!" Vegeta screamed at me. I rolled my eyes and plugged my ears to drown out the yelling. He gives the exact same speech every Sunday morning after I've been out drinking. The exact. Same. Speech.

"Vegeta , I've been drinking with my warriors since I got here and they still respect the hell outta me" I said as I removed my fingers from my ears.

"Did you fuck them?" He harshly asked me.

"Excuse me?" I harshly asked back. This was a new one. He normally scoffs at my replies and then leaves me alone. This...this was worrying.

"Did. You. Fuck. Them?" He harshly asked again. I stood up and crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at the Saiyan.

"Even if I did, it's none of your business" I harshly replied.

"Did you?" He growled.

"I dunno" I shrugged. Vegeta growled again and walked out of my house.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I watched him storm away from my house.

"To find those fuck faces and get the truth!" He harshly yelled before flying into the air. I groaned in annoyance and grabbed the hoodie hanging off the back of my couch. I put it on over my sports bra and slipped my boots on and left my house. I flew after Vegeta and saw that he was already at Tunga and Cudlet's house. They were brothers.

"Prince Vegeta, sir" Tunga greeted Vegeta. I landed behind them and Tunga smiled at me, causing Vegeta to turn around and notice me. He looked back at Tunga and growled as he lunged at him.

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