Janemba X Reader (Female Saiyan)

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"Those stupid assholes!!!" I screamed as I punched the rock next to me

"Angry?" Frieza's voice sounded from behind me

"Yes!!" I screamed and turned around to face him

"Me too" he sighed and sat down on the dusty ground. I plopped down next to him and rested my arms on my bent knees

"When did they kill you?" Frieza asked me

"Yesterday" I sighed

"Well, welcome to Hell" Frieza said as he looked around. Frieza was once my commanding officer while I was in the Frieza force with my brother Vegeta, but he was killed by my brother and another Saiyan years ago. 

"This sucks" I groaned as I laid on my back and stared up at the yellowish sky

"Why did they kill you?" Frieza asked me. I sat back up and looked at the small man

"Because I, apparently, was too 'evil' for their liking. I didn't want to live amongst humans and I was happy to see them die. Vegeta was once just like me but that whore human woman and her goofy Saiyan friend got to him. He's gone soft" I snapped

"Tell me about it" Frieza rolled his eyes. I guess it's just Frieza and I now. Together for all eternity in Hell

*2 years later*

"Fuck off" I snapped at a demon who was trying to get touchy with me. He stared down at me and growled

"The monkey said, fuck off" Frieza snapped and shot a blast at the demon. He cowered away from us

"Thanks" I said as I began walking away

"Time has gone by pretty quickly down here" Frieza said

"Lots of time and nothing has happened. It's so boring here!" I kicked a rock on the ground. The whole ground suddenly began to shake and rumble under my feet

"What did you do??" Frieza asked me

"Nothing!" I said as I tried to steady myself. Suddenly the sky filled with different shades of purple smoke and people began running away from something

"What could they be scared of??? This is Hell!" I scoffed as the small and large demons sprinted for their lives. I looked over and saw a young demon standing in the middle of the smoke

"Oh my god. That's the kid who works on the tanks! T-They are down" I watched as the ranks exploded and engulfed the poor kid. When the smoke cleared he looked deformed

"Oh man" I said as I covered my mouth from the smoke

"He's transforming" Frieza's eyes were wide. The boy began to turn into a giant yellow blob? Monster? And grew to an enormous size. Frieza and I flew away and stared at the large creature

"What the hell is that?" I asked him

"Those tanks were filled with evil spirits and they just took over the kid. He's the purest definition of evil" even Frieza looked scared

The creature began laughing and saying the word 'Janemba'

"All of Hell is doomed it seems" Frieza's voice shook as he spoke

"Holy shit is that Goku?!" I asked as a Saiyan man came flying towards the creature.

"It looks like it. He also had a halo" Frieza sounded less scared and more angry

"So he's dead? Good. Fuck that guy" I scoffed

"He's trying to fight the thing? Ohmygod what form is that?!" Feieza screamed out as Goku's hair turned blonde like his super Saiyan transformation but it grew to the length of Raditz' hair. He looked and felt more powerful

"What's the creature doing?" Frieza's eyes were on the yellow monster now

"It looks like it's melting into itself???" I watched as the creature slowly melted into itself and turned into a human like creature. He was now purple and red and very attractive

Goku and the monster engaged in a quick battle. They seemed evenly matched but the monster quickly got the upper hand. I've never seen someone so attractive and powerful before. And evil

Their fight went on for a good while. Janemba always managed to get the upper hand. I assume that's his name

"You should go help him" Frieza said as Janemba slashed Goku across the chest with a large sword

"You're right" I sighed and flew over to the pair. Goku looked up to me with hopeful eyes

"Y/n! Thank gosh you're here!" He smiled at me

"Yeah" I smiled back and then looked to Janemba. He was eyeing me and his eyes suddenly went from evil to lustful. He wanted me just as bad. I turned to Goku and offered him my hand. He took it and once he was to his feet I gripped his hand in mine and spun him around, throwing him towards Janemba. Janemba punched Goku in the chest and sent him flying away from us

"Why are you helping me" Janemba's deep voice sent shivers down my spine. I looked at the handsome creature and smirked

"Because I'd like to see Goku dead as well" I said. Janemba smiled and nodded. We flew towards Goku and attacked him together

"Why are you helping him!!!" Goku screamed at me

"Because you killed me!" I screamed back as I threw a punch directly to his face. He flew back and looked at me

"You were trying to take over the Earth! I had to stop you" He cried out

"By killing me??" I asked him

Janemba stopped fighting and watched me instead. He smirked every time our eyes met and I melted inside from it

"Would you have stopped if I just tried talking to you more?" Goku asked. I thought for a moment and shook my head

"No" I said

"Exactly" he threw a punch and I didn't have a chance to block it. Suddenly Janemba formed out of the air in front of me and took the blow to the chest. He laughed and began fighting Goku in my place.

"You're siding with Evil!!" Goku shouted at me as he dodged the hits

"Yeah" I casually answered. Janemba finally hit Goku so hard his fist pierced his skin and went through his body. My eyes went wide as I watched my former friend fall to the ground, dead. Janemba turned to me and smirked

"You're a pretty good fighter" He said as he walked towards me. I suddenly felt intimidated by his large body and vicious attitude

"Thanks. So are you" I said as I peeked behind him at the dead body. I looked back to Janemba and he was only a few inches away from me. He was breathing hard and blood was dripping from his fist

"I like you" he said in a low husky voice that sent chills down my spine

"Come with me and help me take over the world" He said as he grabbed my hand. I smirked and nodded. I guess Goku killing me was a blessing in disguise

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