Vegeta X Reader (Birthday. Lemon)

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I looked at the calendar and giggled "Today is my bbiiirrtthhddaayyy" I sang out as Bulma walked in the front door

"Happy birthday Y/n!!!" She screeched and ran towards me, hugging me

I giggled and hugged her back "Thanks B!"

"Have you seen Vegeta yet?" She asked me

"No" I said

"Wonder what he's gonna get you" She said as she sat at the kitchen table

"I don't even think he knows today's my birthday" I laughed 

"How could he not know??" She asked me

"I dunno. We haven't been together long. This is the first birthday I've had since we got back form Namek last year" I shrugged

"That's right! We left literally the day after your birthday!" She giggled

"It's fine. I don't expect him to do anything even if he does know. He doesn't seem like the type" I said

"What if Goku tells him?" She asked

I busted out laughing "B..Goku doesn't even know his own birthday, let alone anyone else's"

"Yeah but he's your brother! He should know!" She said

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Doubt it"

*A few hours later*

Bulma and I got ready at my house and headed to Master Roshi's house for my party. When I landed I let her go and she took off for Yamcha. He grabbed her up in a hug and she giggled

"So lovey with one another. I love it" I said to myself as I walked inside the house and greeted everyone

I was bombarded with a ton of birthday wishes and hugs from our friends. Master Roshi pulled me to the side and whispered "That Saiyan you like is here. He's been here for hours" 

I looked around and raised my eyebrow "Where?" I asked

"Out back! He's just been sitting there waiting for you. He was here before the party even started" Roshi said

I walked outside and around the house. Vegeta was sitting in the sand, looking out over the water. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder

"I heard you've been waiting for me" I giggled

He grunted. I assumed it meant yes

We sat and stared at the water for a bit. Bulma and Yamcha came over and sat next to us

"Look at us! Just  2 couples watching the beautiful sea!" Yamcha said

Vegeta growled at him. He really didn't like Yamcha. I could understand why. Yamcha took some getting used to. When Goku, Bulma, and I first met him I didn't like him either

I wrapped my arm around Vegeta's and closed my eyes as the cool breeze hit my face. Vegeta lowered his head and placed it against mine. He wasn't super affectionate so little things like that made my heart go crazy

 Bulma stood up and grabbed my arm, pulling me from Vegeta. Yamcha looked at Vegeta and smiled "Looks like it's just us guys" 

Vegeta growled at him. Yamcha quickly got up and ran after us

Bulma and I walked in the house and grabbed some drinks "I saw you and Vegeta. That was so cute!" She squealed 

I giggled "I know! I love when he shows affection. Even if it's small" 

"When did he get here?" She asked as she took a drink

"Roshi said he's been here for hours. Before the party even started" I shrugged

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