Goku X Reader (Vegeta's sister)

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I opened my eyes and stared at the wet moldy ceiling above me. I sighed and sat up, staring out the fist sized hole in the wall. I deeply inhaled as much fresh air as I could

"Here Jaco! More slaves!" I heard someone yell

"Let's help them!" I heard someone else say

I heard blasts hitting stone and footsteps running away

I stood up and prepared myself for whoever was coming in

The door to my cell was busted open and I was blinded by the light outside

I shielded my eyes and squinted. I could see a small purple and white alien

"Galactic Patrol here to help! Let's go! You're free!" He sang

I slowly made my way out of the cell I had been kept in for 15 years

I stumbled outside and felt the air on my skin. I started to cry

"Boss we have everyone accounted for and tagged. Just need that one" another man pointed to me

The small man who set me free looked at me and smiled "What's your name?" He asked

"Y/n" I said

"Y-you're a Saiyan" he said as he stared at my tail

I quickly wrapped my tail around my waist and eyed him

"Great! I happen to know two Saiyans on Earth! Goku and Vegeta" he smiled

"Vegeta?" I growled

"Yes ma'am! Come on I'll take you to them!" He grabbed my wrist

"No!" I screamed and blasted him back

I charged the other man and he ran from me. I took a ship and set the destination for Earth

"I'm coming for you, brother" I growled as I took off into space

*Random Pov*

Bulma answered her phone "Hello?"

"Hey Bulma we may have a problem" Jaco chuckled

"What kind of problem?" She asked

"Well...I was head of a Galactic team trying to free Slaves from Planet Humblen. One of them was a Saiyan! A female. She looked pretty beat up. No idea how long she was held captive for"

"Another Saiyan!? The guys will be thrilled!" She cheered

Jaco nervously chuckled "see the thing is...When I told her about Goku and Vegeta she kinda flipped out and stole one of our ships. I have no idea where she is"

"You didn't follow her?!" Bulma asked

"Follow an angry Saiyan?! Are you KIDDING ME!?"

Bulma grunted and hung up

She called Chi-Chi and had them come over

Vegeta walked in just as Goku, Chi-Chi and Gohan arrived

"What's this?" He asked

"I have something to tell you guys" Bulma said

"What woman" Vegeta barked

"Jaco freed some slaves from a planet and one was a Saiyan" she said

"Another Saiyan?! Sweet!" Goku said

"She kinda lost her mind when he mentioned you guys to her. She stole one of his ships and just left"

Vegeta's eyes went wide "what planet did he find her on?" He asked

"Uhhhh, Planet Humblen" Bulma said

Vegeta swallowed hard and walked to the gravity room

"I suggest you start training now. She's coming here and she's gonna be angry" he said

"Wait what?" Bulma followed

"You know her?" She asked

Vegeta ignored her and locked himself inside the Gravity room

*Your pov*

*1 month later*

I finally arrived at planet Earth. I landed in some desert looking area

I sat down and meditated. I felt for my brothers energy. I sat for about 2 hours

"Gottcha" I flew towards his energy

I landed outside of a huge dome looking building

"Prince Vegeta!" I yelled out

A group of people walled out of the house

I smirked when I saw the familiar black spiky hair

"Hello Prince Vegeta" I growled

"Hi! I'm Goku! Jaco said you were a Saiyan like us!" A tall man smiled

"A Saiyan with no tail?" I looked at him

"Oh yeah" he chuckled "Long story"

"I don't care. I'm here for him" I growled as I pointed to Vegeta

"Princess Y/n" Vegeta whispered

"Princess?" A blue haired woman and Goku said at the same time

I ignored everyone else and darted for Vegeta. I punched him into the ground and grabbed him by his collar.
I threw him into the air and blasted his back as he flew. He yelled out in pain. As he fell back to the Earth I grabbed him by the throat and squeezed as tight as I could

"Enough!" Goku shot me down

I let go of Veheta and fell. Goku grabbed him so he didn't fall

"Who are you" Goku demanded as he set Vegeta on the ground

"I am Princess Y/n! Daughter of King Vegeta. Sister to Prince Vegeta" I said as I stood up

"You have a sister?" Goku asked

"Thought I was dead didn't you Prince Vegeta" I growled

"Why would he think that?" Goku asked

"Princess Y/n" Vegeta had a look of plea in his eyes. He didn't want these people to know what he did

I smirked "Scared they won't love you after I tell them what you did to me?"

I looked to Goku "My brother and I worked for Frieza, together. 15 years ago we went to Planet Humblen to take it over. The creatures of that planet proved to be a challenge. Prince Vegeta was captured pretty quickly"

I looked to Vegeta "I saved his life. He was my brother and I loved him! But when Frieza found the camp we were at he asked what happened. I knew he would hurt him if he knew Prince Vegeta was captured"

I looked back to Goku "So I told him Prince Vegeta saved MY life. And I was the one who was captured. Frieza struck me down. He spit in my face and told Prince Vegeta to bring me back to the ship for a proper punishment"

I felt the tears in my eyes as I dug my nails into my Palm

"But you didn't do that. You told me I was a risk. If Frieza found out I lied he would kill us both. So you drew as much attention to us as you could. The creatures of that planet flocked to us. You left me alone, to die"

"I thought they would kill you quickly" he stood up

"They tortured me! Kept me in a cage for 15 years! Beat me and forced me to do horrible things" I screamed out at him. The tears were flowing down my face and I had drawn blood from my hands

"Y/n...I-I'm sorry" Vegeta said

"Fuck your sorry!" I attacked him again. I punched and kicked him through nearby buildings

I suddenly felt someone grab my tail. I went limp and Goku lifted me in the air by my tail

"I'm sorry to do this" Goku said

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