Vegeta X Reader (Saiyan/Human)

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*Vegeta's Pov*

I walked into Bulma's lab and crossed my arms when I saw she wasn't there. She was supposed to be making me new robots to train with but she wasn't.

"Probably busy fucking Yamcha" I harshly said.

Bulma was my wife but she constantly cheated on me with Yamcha, her ex. I know I'm not the best husband, because I'm constantly training, but it was still unfair of her to cheat.

Our friends think we have such a healthy relationship but it's a lie. I'm so miserable and she's so unhappy but we stay together. Her parents would flip if she got divorced, they are really against that. And I need a place to live. A few years back Bulma got pregnant and ended up getting an abortion against my wishes. But the kid was probably Yamcha's in all honesty. Truth was, I didn't even love Bulma. Being with her was convenient for me and I figured I could learn to love her. I did not.

I looked around and noticed a circular window in the middle of the room. I could see green grass, a blue sky, and people walking around with their kids and dogs, but the window wasn't attached to anything. I raised a brow and cocked my head as I walked over to it.

I examined the strange wall-less window and wondered how it was doing this. I watched a few different people walk by with their dogs on leashes and then a few kids running past while kicking a ball.

"Whoa" I said as my eyes went a little wide. A gorgeous female walking her huge dog came into view. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life, and I've been to planets with naked golden goddesses.

She knelt down and took the leash off of her dog and it jumped around at her feet. She held up a ball and wiggled it in the air as the dog continued to jump around. If that dog stood on it's two back legs, it would be taller than she was.

"Gooooo get it Kruger!" She yelled as she threw the ball away from her. The large dog sprinted away and she giggled as she watched it. Her laugh was just as beautiful as she was. She crossed her arms and smiled as she waited for her pet to return. I felt myself smile a little as I watched her wrestle the ball from her large dog. The animal clearly loved her and was being gentle with her because it was big enough to keep the ball for itself if it really wanted to.

I normally don't care for humans. At all. But this one got my attention. She seemed so genuinely happy and I wanted that. She was so gorgeous and I wanted her. I wondered who she was and how I was seeing her through this window.

"Vegeta?" Bulma's voice echoed through her lab. I immediately lost my smile and my brows furrowed in anger as I turned around to see my whore wife.

"When will my robots be done?" I harshly asked. She rolled her eyes and walked past me and to the circular window.

"When I'm done with them" She harshly said. She flipped a switch on the left side of the window and it turned off. The picture disappeared and I saw through it to the back of her lab. The gorgeous girl disappeared and I felt disappointed.

"What is this?" I asked her as I eyed it. She rolled her eyes again and walked away from the circular window thing.

"It's nothing" She said as she walked over to her desk and sat down. I looked back to the window and huffed before walking out of the lab.

*That night*

I laid in bed next to Bulma and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the girl I saw. She's been on my mind all day and I just wanted to see her again.

I looked over at Bulma and then climbed out of bed. I walked to her lab and flipped the lights on, walking to the circular window. I looked at the switch on the side and flipped it up. The circular window showed the image of the same grassy park again but it was empty and dark.

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