Yamcha X Reader (Zombies)

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The zombie apocalypse started 8 years ago. Some stupid ass scientist was playing around with different viruses because he wanted to save his dying wife. He tried everything he could to keep her alive. But, sadly, she ended up dying anyways.

Except she didn't stay dead. She sat up in the morgue and killed the mortician and turned his family into zombies. I'm sure you've seen zombie movies before so you know what happened next. The whole town got destroyed, only a few survivors yada yada yada.

But this story is a little different than those you've probably seen before. This story involves super zombies. These zombies can fly, form energy blasts at will, and actually seem to have way more brain activity than the others. There's 2 of them and they terrorize the town. Not many humans are left and supplies are thinning. I should have ran the very first day this all started. But I couldn't. Max needed me.

I was 17 when the world went to shit. I was at my friend's house because her mom just had a new baby boy and I looooove babies. We were in her room when the sirens started blaring outside. Her dad busted down the door and pulled us to the living room so we could all watch the news. Little Maxwell wouldn't stop crying, the sirens hurt his baby ears.

The man on the news said to stay indoors and keep sharp weapons nearby. He said people were getting sick and attacking others. Immediately everyone knew it was zombies and most knew how to kill them. Zombie movies, video-games, cartoons, and shows are pretty popular these days so, people should actually be able to survive

Turns out, zombies are a lot harder to kill than you'd think. Humans get scared easily, they make mistakes. Harold, my friend's dad, made a mistake. He put us all in the kitchen, they didn't have a basement, and tried to fend off his house with a bat. The neighbors turned pretty quickly and surrounded us. Harold's wife, Janice, wanted to pack us up and leave town. She said we would pick up my family on the way out

Harold never liked listening to his wife. The zombies tore the door down and came sprinting at us.

Yeah, some of them sprint.

They attacked Harold first. He died screaming at us, telling us to run. Janice made a mistake too. She handed her son off to me and ran to her husband's aid. She was immediately killed by the zombies.

Carly and I booked it out of the house. We ran down the street and ignored everyone's cry for help. We needed to help ourselves first. We found an empty car with blood covering the inside. Someone was attacked and probably killed but they were no longer here. We got into the car and I handed Max to his big sister. I put it in drive and stepped on the gas pedal. We managed to get 4 blocks away but we were stopped by a group of men. They were carrying huge guns and pointing them right at us

"Get the fuck out" one man screamed. Maxwell was still throwing a fit in his sisters arms. The poor boy was only 2 weeks old. I put my hands up and Carly put one of her up, using the other to hold Max. We exited the car and the men smirked at us as they piled in. The man spit at my feet and drove off down the road. I haven't seen him, or a zombie him, since so, I assume he got out of town

Maxwell's screaming began to attract zombies. We ran down the street and into a dry-cleaners. I locked the door behind me and turned around to try and comfort my friend and her brother. Maxwell's screaming wasn't muffled much by the building and zombies began to gather outside

"We have to ditch him" Carly said as she set Max on the floor

"W-What?!" I picked him up and held him close to me

"He's going to get us killed!! The kids only a few weeks old! Who cares?! We can't die because of him. He probably won't even survive for very long. I don't know how to take care of a fucking baby!! Do you?!" She screamed at me. I stood and stared at my friend with wide eyes. I was completely shocked by what she was saying. Max was her baby brother and she was willing to leave him behind to save herself. It wasn't his fault he was crying and upset.

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