Hit X Reader

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I was enjoying my afternoon outside by the pool

My brother came running through my back gate and grabbed my hand

"We have to go! Now!" He pulled me up and kept running

"What is going on?!" I asked as I was being dragged along

He wouldn't answer me. He just kept running. We ran through the forest and I tripped over a tree root

I stood up and my brother grabbed my hand again, pulling me

I had been slightly cut on my knee and my shorts were covered in dirt

"Enough!" I pulled away and cleaned myself off

"We don't have time Y/n!" Franky pulled me again

"For what?! You come into my house, practically KIDNAP me, and run me through some forest?! No one is even behind us?!"

We suddenly heard a deep chuckle from all around

"He found us!" Franky cried out

"Who..." I slowly turned in a small circle, trying to see where the laughter was coming from

Suddenly someone appeared in front of me. His back was to me

"Franky. I've been sent for you" he said

The man was tall and had a grey trench coat on. His skin looked purple but I couldn't really tell from behind

"Sent by who? Franky what the fuck is going on?!" I demanded

Franky looked to me with tears in his eyes "run" he mouthed to me

The man turned around and stared at me. He had beautiful red eyes. I felt completely lost when I looked at them

"You must be Y/n" he said

"I love the way he says my name"

"Who are you" I asked

"I'm here for Franky" he simply said as he turned back to Franky

He growled "I've been sent by Cyaven to kill you"

"Cyaven??! He's a fucking mob boss Franky! Why does he want you dead?!" I asked

The tall man turned to me and raised an eyebrow "you don't know what your brother has done?" He asked

"N-no" I looked from the mystery man to Franky

"What did you do" I asked

"Nothing" he quietly said

"Your brother Franky here has been involved in the kidnapping and murdering of multiple children around the city. Including the mob bosses daughter, Diana" he harshly said to me

"W-what?" I backed away from the men

"Y/n it isn't like that! I...we-"

"You and your partners were accepting hits put out on children" he said

"You...you killed children" I felt so disgusted by my brother

"I had to! I needed money an-"

"So you KILLED CHILDREN!" I pushed the tall man out of the way and walked to my brother

"I-I...Y/n I'm sorry!" He cried out

"How many" I gritted my teeth

"W-what?" He asked

"HOW! MANY!" I yelled

"I-I don't know..." he looked down

I looked to the man "How many" I asked

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