Young Vegeta X Reader

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*Vegeta's Pov*

I decided I didn't want to go back to Lord Frieza's ship yet. I convinced Nappa to explore some planets Frieza doesn't even know about. We were heading to one called Earth

"We might find treasures!" He cheered

"I, Nappa, I might find treasures. As your prince you are required to give me any treasure you find" I snapped at the idiot

Nappa turned off his coms and prepared for the landing. We landed in some icy area

When I got out I felt the cold air hit my face


Nappa rolled his eyes and pulled out his scouter. He checked the area and sighed "Nothing for miles Prince Vegeta. I'm sorry. Landing here was a mistake. We can take the pods and fly closer to civilization" he suggested

"NO. You'll just have to carry me there" I smirked

"Prince Vegeta you can fly..why wou-" 

"You dare question me!?" I yelled

Nappa sighed and picked me up. He carried for hours and we finally came upon the edge of the icy area. He put me down and used his scouter to check the area

"Lots of people but really low power levels" He said

"Good" I chuckled

We walked towards a small town. I began blasting everyone and everything I saw.

"WHY IS THAT BOY DOING THIS" Someone screamed

"Prince Vegeta does whatever he wants!" Nappa yelled at the man before killing him

I chuckled and continued on

*Your Pov*

I was sitting with my mom on the couch when the news came on

"That's right everyone! Two males are destroying the city! The one in charge was referred to as 'Prince Vegeta' but he looks about 13 years old! The other one stands at least 7 feet tall! They haven't killed anyone yet but everyone should stay inside!"

"My god..." My mother gasped

Suddenly we heard an explosion outside. We jumped up and ran to the window

"Mom it's them!" I shouted 

The pair stood in the middle of the street. The older one looks scary but the younger one was cute. He had tall spiky black hair and beautiful eyes. He was smirking at some people outside. They were cowering in fear

"Don't hurt them!" I yelled from inside the house

"Y/N!" My mother yelled and pulled me down to the ground just as the pair turned towards us

I slowly sat up and looked out the window. I couldn't see them anymore

"I think they are gone" I said to my mom

She sat up and looked out the window "Yeah I don't see them any-" 

Suddenly our backdoor busted open and the pair walked inside

"There they are Prince Vegeta" the taller one said

"Yes Nappa I can SEE THAT! I HAVE EYES!" The smaller one yelled

I stood in front of my mother and growled "Don't hurt her" 

My mother pushed me away and looked to them "She's only 13. Please" She begged

The taller one held his hand out and shot a blast at my mother. I jumped up and threw myself in front of her. The blast hit me and I fell 

"Y/N!" My mother screamed

She fell to her knees and picked me up

"Nappa you fool!" The smaller one walked over and helped my mother pick me up

"STAY AWAY FROM US" She screamed

"Shut up human" he snapped at her

The boy took me from my mothers arms and laid me on my back. He touched my face with his hand and smirked

"She's alive" He said

I groaned and touched my head. When I opened my eyes the boy was staring at me

"W-who are you" I asked

"I'm Prince Vegeta!" He proudly yelled

"Why are you here" I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest

"I don't know honestly.  Just got bored. Didn't wanna kill anyone. Just scare you lame humans" he laughed

"Why aren't lame!" I shouted at him

His eyes went wide with shock

"You dare yell at the Prince?!" Nappa shouted

"Nappa! Shut up!" He yelled back

He looked at me and smiled "You yelled at me. Stood up to me. Protected your mother. I like that"

A small smile grew on my face. I didn't have many friends and boys typically didn't like me. It felt nice hearing someone say something nice to me

"Come with me" he held his hand out

"Prince Vegeta I don-"

"Shut up Nappa!" Vegeta yelled at him

"Where?" I asked as he pulled me to my feet

"Anywhere" he smiled

I looked over to my mom. She had fear in her eyes

"Mom" I softly said

"No Y/n" she sternly yelled

"I'm sorry" I grabbed Vegetas hand and took off out of the house

He flew us into the air and over the town

"This is amazing!" I shouted out as he did a flip

"You're cute" he said

I blushed "T-thank you" I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and giggled

We spent the whole day just flying around and exploring the Earth. Finally Nappa found us and grabbed Prince Vegetas arm

"Frieza is calling for us. Let's go" he said

Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked at me "I have to go"

I pouted and looked to my feet "Why"

"My boss says so"

I sighed "okay"

"You could come with me. Leave this planet and explore others" he smiled at me

"R-really?" I excitedly asked

"Yeah!" He smiled and grabbed my hand

"Okay! Let's go!"



If you want more Vegeta X Reader check out my other stories on my page!! (Mature and Lemon)

Thanks for reading!!

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