Vegeta X Reader (Lemon. My enemy)

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I looked around the forest and smirked

"I know you're near me, Vegeta. I'll find you" I said to myself

I quietly walked through the woods and came upon a small round house. I hid behind a tree and listened to whoever was inside the house

"Goku, I hate that he's here! He eats just as much as you and is just as lazy!!" A woman yelled

"I'm sorry Chi-Chi! He has no where else to go! Bulma won't deal with him anymore" The man said

"And I can see why! I don't see how she let this man live with her for as long as she did! Good thing she never tried anything with him like she wanted to" The woman scoffed

I crept out from behind the tree and slowly made my way towards a window. I ducked down and listened more

"He just needs to stay here until Bulma can finish his capsule home! So like a week more" The man said

The woman huffed "I don't care! I want Vegeta out" She sternly said

"Vegeta. Got ya" I smirked and stood up. I made my way to the door and knocked on it

A short woman answered it "Can I help you?" She asked as she eyed me

"Yes you can. I'm looking for Prince Vegeta" I smiled at her

She raised an eyebrow and then suddenly went wide eyed

"Only a Saiyan would call him Prince Vegeta! Goku! Come here!" She called out

A man with crazy spiky black hair walked over and smiled at me

"Hiya! I'm Goku! Who is this?" He asked the woman

"I don't know! But she called Vegeta Prince" The woman said

"Oh! So you must be a Saiyan!" Goku excitedly said

"Mhm. I'm just looking for Vegeta" I said

"Sorry but he isn't here" The woman said

"Where can I find him?" I asked

"Behind you" I heard his voice harshly say

I smiled and turned around

"Ah, Prince Vegeta, how wonderful" I said

"Why are you here and what do you want" he crossed his arms

"Oh come on now, Princey!" I said as I walked over to him

"How many times have I told you...DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" Vegeta yelled out

I rolled my eyes "Whatever. Look I'm just here to...kill you" I smirked

"Wait, what?" Goku yelled out as he ran towards us

"Why do you wanna kill Vegeta??" He asked me

*10 Years Ago*

I looked over to Prince Vegeta. We were both waiting in Lord Frieza's office for a new mission

"I don't see why you're here. You're weak" Prince Vegeta said

Prince Vegeta and I were both 15 years old. As far as I knew we were the only two Saiyan children left alive. I had a huge crush on him but he was such a jerk. I'm not even sure why I liked him

"Shut up" I growled

"I really don't get why Frieza even allows you to go on missions" he shrugged

"I said shut up!" I harshly said

Frieza walked in and shook his head

"Tsk, tsk, two never stop fighting, do you?" He asked as he walked around the room

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