Goku X Reader (Vegeta's sister)

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I excitedly looked out the window as my pod flew towards Earth's surface. I hadn't seen my brother in years and he didn't know I was coming

I had heard he settled down on this planet. I never took my brother for the family type but the Namekians were positive he had one

The pod crashed into the ground and I climbed out. This planet was no Planet Namek but it was still beautiful. I made my way through the forest and out into the city. I closed my eyes and felt for his energy

"Dang. He's gotten strong" I chuckled as I flew towards him

I landed outside of a large house and heard some talking and laughing behind the house. I flew over and looked at the group of people below

"Humans. A Namekian! And Vegeta! And another full blood Saiyan?" I thought to myself 

I eyed the tall Saiyan as he laughed with the humans

"He's gorgeous" I chucked to myself

I landed behind the ground and crossed my arms. None of them had noticed me

"These guys are pretty oblivious" I said to myself

I walked a little closer and still no one noticed me. I loudly cleared my throat to grab their attention

The group jumped and turned towards me

The tall gorgeous Saiyan walked over and eyed me "Who are you?" he asked

I smiled at him and waited for a moment. His eyes went wide "You're a Saiyan!!" He excitedly yelled out

The group gathered around me and stared me down "What do you want with us?" Asked a human man with a scar on his face

I looked behind them to my brother. He was staring at me, shocked

"You want Vegeta? Why?" The tall Saiyan asked

Vegeta walked over and pushed everyone aside as he made his way to me. He stared at me and looked me up and down

"Who is she?" The Namekian asked

"M-My sister" Vegeta softly said

I uncrossed my arms and pulled Vegeta into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close

"Sister??" A woman yelled out

Vegeta let me go and turned back to the group "Yes. This is my sister, Y/n. Princess of all Saiyans" He proudly said as he put his arm around my shoulder

"You never told me you had a sister!!" The woman yelled

Vegeta rolled his eyes "I don't need to tell you everything woman!"

"Besides.." He looked to me and sighed "I thought she was dead"

"Why would you think that?" The tall Saiyan asked

"As you all know..I worked with Frieza. Y/n also worked for him. We grew up in his army. About 4 years before I met you.." He looked to the tall Saiyan

"..Frieza sent Y/n on a questionable mission. She never returned and I was told she was killed..."

Vegeta looked back to me "What happened?" He asked

"Well ya know how I always talked back to Frieza and his men? How I didn't like listening to him?" I chuckled

Vegeta nodded

"He sent me on that mission to kill me. He had his men ambush me on the planet. I killed them all and escaped. I knew If I tried to come back for you he would kill us both..so I disappeared" I said

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