Piccolo X Reader (Deaf)

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I was walking through the forest, enjoying the view, when I saw something strange

I walked over to the lake and saw a man sitting above a huge rock. He was floating with his eyes closed

I didn't care that he was green, I was more interested in how he was floating

I watched from afar when his eyes suddenly opened up

I ducked behind a tree and hoped he didn't see me

I looked back to find he was gone. When I turned around he was in front of me

"Why were you spying on me" I read his lips 

I signed "I wasn't. I happened to wonder by"

"What are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow at me

I rolled my eyes and giggled "I'm deaf" I signed

He stared at me, confused

I pointed to my ears and shook my head No

"You can't hear?" He asked

I smiled and nodded yes

He stared at me, his eyes wondering every inch of my body

I blushed when his eyes met mine. He gave me a small smile 

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen

[Alarm! Meet Hayden at 3:00]

I looked at the time [3:15] 

I looked back to the green man

"Sorry! I have to go!" I signed and took off out of the forest, towards town

I walked into the coffee shop and sat down at a table with my bestfriend

"Hey Y/n" He signed

"Hey Hayden" I signed back

"Why are you late?" He signed and smiled

I met a guy in the forest"

Hayden stared at me and raised his eyebrow 

"Really?" He signed and chuckled to himself

"He was so cute Hayden! His eyes were beautiful" I gushed over the man

"What's his name?" Hayden asked

My face went blank when I realized I never even asked

"I have no clue" I chuckled to myself 

We ordered our coffee and talked about our day

On my way home I decided to stop by the lake again, hoping to see the green man

I walked over to the water and looked around

"He isn't here"

I sighed and turned to walk away but bumped right into the man

"I'm sorry!" I signed to him

He smiled and signed "It's okay"

"You know sign language?" I asked him

He stared at me for a moment, thinking about something

He began to move his hands, trying to sign to me

He finally gave up and pulled out a book, reading through it

He started to sign to me as he flipped the pages


I giggled and correctly signed the word "Learn"

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