Bardock X Reader

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I was making dinner when he came home, angry

"What's wrong?" I asked as I placed a plate in front of him

"Frieza has us doing some dangerous shit" Bardock growled

"But you're my big bad Saiyan warrior. You can handle it" I giggled

"No Y/n. Not the stuff he's having us do. He's sending us to planets and somehow the citizens there know how to stop us. Like they were told our weaknesses" he said as he chewed his food

"That someone on the inside is telling them" I said

"Exactly. And I'm gonna find out who" he said

"No Bardock. You can't put us in danger like that!" I shouted

"I'm in danger no matter what! One day, probably soon, some civilization will get the upper hand and kill us. I talked to the rest of the Army. No one else is having this issue. Only Saiyans" he barked

"Bardock...what if someone wants to take out Saiyans..?" I looked down and poked my food with my fork

"I'll kill them" he growled

I sighed and looked to my husband "I love you" I said

His face relaxed and he gave me a small smile "I love you too"

*Later that night*

I laid in bed, waiting for Bardock. He had went out to get some answers

He suddenly burst through the door, holding his bloody side

"Bardock!" I jumped up and yelled

"It's Frieza..h-he's going to take us all out.." he said before he fell to the ground

I grabbed him and lifted him up. I put his arm over my shoulder and ran out of the house. I ran towards the pods

"Y/n? Bardock! What are you doing!? Get him to the medical wing!" Another Saiyan yelled

"Leave Planet Vegeta! Now!" A small crowd had gathered

"Bardock was hurt because he was trying to get answers. Frieza's men are trying to kill all Saiyans! Frieza commanded them to!"

Everyone in the crowd started laughing at us

"Right Y/n. Bardock isn't a tough warrior! He's weak so the missions Frieza has him going on are too hard!" One said

"Oh shut up Tomtae!" I yelled as I pushed through them to the pods

He grabbed my arm and growled "I can't let you leave. Frieza wants us all here for a meeting"

My eyes went wide and I pulled away "That's how he's gonna kill us!"

He grabbed me back up and pulled me "Let's go" he said

I dropped Bardock and punched Tomtae in the face. He stumbled back and grabbed his nose

"You bitch!" I grabbed Bardock and stuffed him inside of a pod. I climbed in next to him and quickly hit the button to shut the door

Tomtae smashed against the glass and yelled "You bitch!!!"

I hit the last Destination the pod was at


We flew from base and into space

I held pressure on Bardock's side and looked out the window

A huge red ball came from Frieza's ship, straight towards Planet Vegeta

"No.." I gasped as it hit, causing the whole planet to explode

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