Vegeta X Reader (Escape from Frieza)

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I laid on the cold hard concrete floor and looked up to the black ceiling above me. I turned on my side and brought my knees to my chest as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"You still alive?" I heard a voice softly ask me. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the white shoes in front of me. My eyes slowly traveled up to Zarbon's soft face and I slowly looked back down and closed my eyes again.

"I brought dinner" He said as he knelt down next to me.

I was prisoner on Frieza's ship. I've been here for two years and endured torture like you couldn't even imagine. Frieza hates Saiyans and I'm a female Saiyan.

I was kept in a small cold room with nothing but a bucket. The floors were covered in my dried blood, tears, and dirt. The walls were solid concrete and there was one small light that hung by the door.

"Come on, Y/n, you have to eat. You haven't eaten in a week" He sighed as he gently placed a hand on my head. I squeezed my eyes shut even harder, trying to stop the tears.

"I'm not hungry" I managed to say. My voice was broken and cracked as I spoke because I haven't had any water in almost 2 days. My throat was dry and hurt when I swallowed.

"Up" Zarbon said as he gently grabbed my under my arms and lifted me. Zarbon was the only one who was nice to me. He told me he didn't have a problem with Saiyans but had to do as Frieza said. I didn't blame him for it, I wouldn't go against someone like Frieza either. He's a psycho who's capable of anything.

The very first night I was brought here, Frieza gave Zarbon and a few other guys permission to rape me. It was their reward for catching me on planet Tribleth. Zarbon quickly took dominance and said he wouldn't share his reward with anyone else. Frieza told them to work it out and Zarbon fought the others to have me for himself. After they left, Zarbon unchained me and sat in the opposite corner of the room. He explained that he meant no harm and did this to save me. He knew the others would gladly rape me but he didn't want to. He wanted to help me.

It's been two years since that day and he's been true to his word. He hasn't hurt me once since I got here. Anytime Frieza tortures me, Zarbon makes an excuse to leave.

Zarbon sat me up and I crossed my legs. I was covered in scars and fresh bruises, cuts, and had a few broken ribs. I exhaled slowly as the pain washed over my body. I was in constant pain thanks to Frieza. Even when he gave me a few weeks to heal up so I wouldn't die on him, I still hurt. Nothing heals right and being trapped in a room for two years affects your bone density. I was extremely weak.

"Eat, please" Zarbon begged me as he set the tray of food in front of me. I stared down at the bread, mystery meat patty, bowl of corn, and cup of water and felt my stomach growl. I was so hungry but I wanted to starve myself. I was trying to kill myself to escape this Hell.

"Y/n" Zarbon sat next to me and sighed as he let his head fall.

"I have to tell you something" He softly said. I glanced over at him, not moving my body, and he looked at me.

"Eat first and I'll tell you" He said. I slowly reached out and grabbed the metal fork from the tray. I began slowly cutting a small bite from the patty and brought it to my mouth. I ate it and felt my mouth water for more. It tasted disgusting but it was food, and my body needed food.

I took my time with the nasty food and then pushed the empty tray away from me. Zarbon stood up and moved the tray more as he sat in front of me

"When I tell you this, please don't get angry at me" he softly said as he  looked at his hands in his lap

"Tell me" my voice sounded a little better now that I had some water.

"Remember what Frieza said to you the first night he brought you here?" He asked me. Memories of that first night flooded my mind and I tensed up. I could still feel the fear I felt when he walked into the room. I had heard stories about how our planet was actually destroyed but I didn't know the truth. I was a small child and off planet when it happened.

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