Vegeta X Reader (Father Daughter)

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Bulma was 8 months pregnant with baby #2. She was super excited for this one because it was a girl! Bulma loved her son Trunks but she reeaallyy wanted a girl.

She patted her huge tummy as 9 year old Trunks walked in

"It's not fair!" He shouted

"What isn't?" Asked his mother

"This baby. Dad barely pays me any attention and now the baby will take even MORE away!"

"Aw Trunks! Your still MY baby" Bulma said as she hugged him.

Bulma knew how Vegeta was. Honestly she didn't think he would care much for this baby. He loves Trunks sure but he never shows it. So this baby wouldn't be any different.


Bulma pushed and pushed while her mother held her hand

"Stupid Vegeta! Couldn't even be here for the birth!?" She screamed

As if on cue Vegeta busted through the front door and yelled "where are they?!"

He was brought to the room Bulma was in.

He went to her side and held the woman's hand as she pushed one last time. Finally giving birth to a beautiful little girl.


Unlike Bulma and Trunks you had black hair like your father

Also unlike your mother and brother you had spiky hair like your father.

"Ha! Look at her Saiyan hair!" Proudly shouted Vegeta

You were handed to your mother first. She teared up at the sight

"Look at you.." she whispered

Vegeta couldn't take his eyes off of you. He just stared at you like life had a whole new meaning. Bulma handed you to your father and smiled. He didn't take you at first. He walked away. But you cried when he did that.
He felt pain in his heart when he heard your cries. Something he hasn't ever really felt before.

He raced over to you and grabbed you from your mother.

He held you close and looked deep into your eyes.

"I love you Y/n" he said as you stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms

*5 years later*

14 year old Trunks and you train outside.

"Awe come on Y/n. Just dodge it. It's easy" he said as he threw a small kick at you

You tried your hardest but a 5 year old can't dodge much. You fell to the ground.

Suddenly you hear someone yelling

"What are you doing?!"

Your father landed between you and your brother

"Training?" Trunks said

"You HURT her!" Vegeta said as he picked you up from the ground

"But I'm fine daddy" you chuckled

Vegeta held you in the air and inspected your body for injuries

He squinted his eyes at Trunks "You're lucky" he said before flying off with you

He landed by the gravity room and opened the door

"I'll train you" he said with a smile

Your dad only ever seemed to smile when he was around you. You felt bad for Trunks because he didn't have a relationship with your dad like you did.

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