Trunks X Reader (Survivor)

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*Trunks's Pov*

I finally arrived in the past. I know I shouldn't be time traveling anymore but something happens and lots of kids die. I tried my hardest to ignore it and tell myself "History happens for a reason"

But I was the same age as these kids when they died. None of us were around to stop the criminal and these innocent kids die

On the 10th anniversary of their deaths I finally felt too guilty. I stole a time machine and came back

I flew to the school where the disaster takes place. When I landed I searched I saw a group of kids playing at the playground

A little girl ran over to me and giggled "I love your hair! Blue is such a pretty color!!" She squealed

I chuckled at her but suddenly felt sick. This little girl was going to die.

I turned and started walking towards the school

She followed

"What's your name?" She asked as she skipped beside me

"Trunks" I smiled at her

"I'm Y/n! You look super cool. Is that rea!?" She pointed to my sword

"It is. Don't touch it" I said

"I wasn't gonna touch it!" She yelled out

We walked inside the school and I looked around

"Whatcha looking for?" She asked

"The boiler room" I said

She laughed "You won't find it here. It's on the other side of the school!"

Against my better judgement I asked her "Show me"

She began walking down the hall, humming

"This is such a bad idea. Putting this girl in more danger by having her come with me. But I wouldn't find it fast enough on my own"

After walking down a bunch of halls and turning left and right a couple of times we finally stopped at a door labeled "Boiler Room"

"Thanks Y/n. Go outside and stay there. Even when the teacher calls you in. Stay out side. Tell all the other kids to do the same" I pushed her away from the door

"Why?" She asked

"I said so" I sternly said

She looked at me and didn't move

"Y/n! Now!" I yelled

She squinted at me and stuck her tongue out "Jerk!" She yelled as she ran away

I sighed and opened the door. I slowly made my way down the steps and into the large room

"Found them" I whispered as I saw the 5 bombs attached to the walls

"Okay. Now to-"

"Hey Trunks?" Y/n said from behind me

"Y/n??" I looked from her to the bombs and back

"I'm sorry I called you a jerk. That was rude of me" she looked over to the bombs

"What's that?" She asked

I quickly looked back to the bombs

"The reason you have to stay out of the school. Please go" I begged her

"Who's that?" She pointed behind me

I turned and saw a large man standing by one of the bombs. He had a bat

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