Frieza X Reader

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I am a Saiyan aboard Lord Frieza's ship. As far as I know Prince Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz and I are the only ones left.

Lord Frieza took great care of us. He sent Nappa and Vegeta off on a mission. Raditz was doing his own thing. I was walking the halls of the ship when I came to Lord Frieza's door.

Lord Frieza was a ruthless evil monster who killed just because he could. And I couldn't help but be attracted to him.

He never seemed like the type to care for another being but you never know.

I took a deep breath and raised .you hand to knock on his door.

I sighed and put it back down, walking away.

I wanted to tell him I've fallen for him but he could kill me for it.

On my way back to my room I ran into Raditz.

"Hey Y/n" he smirked

"Oh hey Raditz. Thought you were off on some single mission?"

"I got bored. Besides I missed yoy" he leaned in real close

"Ew" I pushed him back

"Ew? I'm fucking Raditz. All the ladies love me!" He pushed me against the wall

"Move away from the female" I heard Lord Frieza say from behind Raditz

"Lord Frieza!" Raditz pulled away and stood in attention to the man

"How dare you touch her when she clearly didn't want it" he snapped

"I'm sorry Lord Frieza" Raditz said

"You will be" Lord Frieza punched Raditz in the chest. Raditz fell to the floor and gasped for air

"Thank you Lord Frieza" I stared into his beautiful eyes

"Follow" he started walking towards his room

I followed and entered behind him

His room was giant but almost empty. He had a huge bed and a huge wardrobe.

Opposite from the door was a giant window. It took up most of the wall and you could see everything from it

He walked to the window and looked outside to the stars

"Y/n look at that" he said

I walked to the window and looked at a small planet

"That planet is full of violent monsters who eat their children if they don't agree to marry their fathers"

"Oh my god. That's gross" I stared at the planet in disgust

"I take over planets because I can. But sometimes I destroy planets that deserve it. Like this one"

"You're going to destroy it?" I asked

He nodded yes

"What about the innocent children on the planet?" I asked

"They grow into violent adults who kill their children. It's a cycle. They don't deserve to live"

A beam shot from the ship and hit the planet. It exploded into a million pieces

I looked to Frieza. He was staring at me

"I've always liked you the most out of all the Saiyans I've ever met" his lips formed a small smile

I felt myself blush.

"He likes me? I mean he could just mean as a person"

"Why?" I asked

He chuckled "that's why. You always question me. But never in a threatening way"

"I would never go against you Lord Frieza" I said

His tail snaked up my body and wrapped around my waist

"I know" he pulled me close to him

"Lord Frieza..?" I felt my skin get hot

"I'm no fool Y/n. I know you like me. It just so happens that I feel the same"

He leaned in but stopped

"Am I correct?" He asked

I closed the gap between us and kissed him

Frieza deepened the kiss and put his hands on my face

"Lord Frieza..I want you" I moaned to him

He smirked and threw me to the bed with his tail

We had a long night of rough love making.

I was awoken by a knock on the door

"Lord Frieza? We have a issue with a soldier" someone said

I looked over and saw Frieza was already up and looking out of the window

He turned and walked to the door. He smiled at me "I suggest you get dressed and head to the meeting room"

"I want to come with you" I stood up and put my armor back on

He cocked his head but chuckled "very well"

We exited his room and I was greeted with surprised eyes from the soldier

I glared at him and let out a small growl. I was always confident when it came to dealing with the men on this ship but after last night I felt invincible.

Frieza and I walked to the room where a soldier was standing. He looked terrified

"L-Lord F-Frieza I-" he tried to speak

"Silence!" Frieza smacked him down

"What's the issue" he asked the man who brought us

"This soldier was trying to steal a pod and run off alone. He refused to tell us why."

I looked to the man "why were you leaving?" I asked

Frieza and the other 2 soldiers looked surprised by my question. It isn't normal for another soldier, let alone a female, to interrogate someone unless directed by Lord Frieza

The man looked at me and then to Frieza. Frieza narrowed his eyes waiting for an answer

"I-I just wanted to..leave..I don't want to be here anymore..I..I'm tired of killing for no reason" he said

"Okay. So go" I motioned towards the pod

The other soldier began to protest "You can't give orders like th-"

Frieza put his hand up to silence him.

The scared soldier ran to the ship and got inside. He started to take off into space.

I raised my arm and blasted his ship. It exploded and the man inside fell to the ground

I walked over as he tried to crawl away

"W-why" he cried out

I leaned in closely "The only way one leaves Lord Friezas army is through death" I blasted him again and walked back to Lord Frieza

The other solider now looked horrified

Frieza chuckled "she's right"

From then on out I stood tall by Lord Frieza's side. We were the most feared in the universe.

Until planet Namek. That low life Vegeta went against our Lord and tried to kill him. Frieza killed the disobedient fool.

But then that other Saiyan Goku tried to kill my love Frieza. I swore vengeance on the man and his family.
No one would get away with hurting Lord Frieza.

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