Raditz X Reader (Female Saiyan)

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I walked down the hall and felt all eyes on me. I was the newest addition to Frieza's army and the first female.

I was also a Saiyan. These guys didn't like Saiyans that much. The one called Zarbon brought me to a medium sized room. In the room was 4 beds and 4 dressers. There was a large window on the wall opposite of the door and I could see the outside space.

"This is where...your kind... sleeps" Zarbon smirked at me and pushed me inside. He slammed the door behind me and I was all alone. I slowly walked by all 4 beds and noticed that 3 looked like they were slept in. The pillows were slightly dented and the sheets had wrinkles, unlike the 4th bed, it looked new.

"I guess this is me" I said as I sat down on the fresh bed. It was on the right side of the room and next to the window. I opened the short dresser next to my bed and saw nothing but armor. Similar to the one I was given when I first arrived.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard a harsh voice from behind me. I turned around and saw 3 Saiyans standing in the room.

The first one I noticed was one of the tall ones. His Saiyan hair was long and gorgeous. He had on armor similar to mine. He had red bands on his left wrist, left leg, and a brown band on his right wrist. His arms were crossed and he had a smirk on his beautiful face. His tail was wrapped around his waist, like mine was.

"Well??" The shorter Saiyan snapped. I tore my eyes from the taller one and looked to the short one in the middle. He had on a similar armor than me too, but he had a tight blue uniform under it. He also wore white gloves. His body was completely covered from the neck down. His hair stuck straight to and I immediately recognized him as Prince Vegeta.

"I'm Y/n. Frieza picked me up off Planet Fruenet. I'm a Saiyan" I said as I unwrapped my tail and swayed it at my side.

"A Saiyan?! A female Saiyan??" The tall bald one asked. He also wore armor like me and the other tall Saiyan. Black chest and golden shoulder pieces. Prince Vegeta's armor was white with more yellow looking shoulder pieces. He and I shared one armor similarity though. Neither of us has the armor flap in front of our crotch

"Yeah" I wrapped my tail back up and crossed my arms. The tall one with beautiful hair stared at me like he was taking a mental photograph of my face. His face was softer than the other two and he even gave me a quick small smile when our eyes met.

"Name?" Prince Vegeta harshly asked me.

"Y/n. I just said that." I harshly said back. Vegeta was always an asshole. Even by Saiyan standards.

"Interesting that Frieza allowed a female to join his army" Prince Vegeta said as he walked towards me. I heard rumors when, I was younger, that Prince Vegeta was a very short Saiyan, even compared to some females. Those rumors have proven to be very true because here I stand, one of the shorter females, and Vegeta is only an inch taller than me.

"I guess he felt the Saiyans he already had weren't enough. He had to bring the female in" I snapped at him. He clenched his jaw and took another step forward, getting in my face.

"How dare you disrespectful me! Do you know who I am?! I'm-"

"Prince Vegeta, yeah, yeah. Whatever" I shrugged. The other two went wide in the eyes and I could tell that people don't talk to Vegeta like that.

"You disrespectful little bitch" He growled. He threw a punch at my face and I grabbed his fist. I quickly spun around and flipped him over my shoulder. He landed on his back and I placed my foot on his neck.

"I don't give a shit about what your title was before. We have no planet now. You're just another Saiyan to me" I harshly said to him. He looked beyond pissed as he stared up at me

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