Vegeta X Reader (Brainwashed)

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I took a bite of a cookie and set it back down on the plate. I kept my eyes on my plate but I would glance over every now and then and see Vegeta staring at me with a small smirk on his lips.

"Vegeta! Are you even listening to me?! You're the biggest problem here!" Bulma yelled at him. He lost his smirk and looked over at her with his brows furrowed.

We were sitting down at Bulma's place to run over our weekly "cost" reports. Basically, she adds up how much it'll cost to repair whatever we've destroyed that week. And then she yells at us for making her spend so much money.

Vegeta scoffed at her comment and crossed his arms. I snickered to myself and Bulma shot me a glare too.

"I don't know why you're laughing, you're the second most expensive one!" She yelled.

"Ha!" Vegeta loudly laughed. I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my cookie.

"What about me, Bulma? Where do I fall on the list?" Goku asked her. She looked down to her papers and her eyes scanned the writing.

"You don't cost me anything. You've done the least damage every week for the past 10 years" She smiled at him, causing him to giggle to himself. Vegeta and I both rolled our eyes at him and Bulma continued on with her complaining.


It took Bulma 2 hours this time to finish her "you guys need to be more careful. I'm not made of money" speech. She told us we could go but she wanted to talk to Vegeta and I alone.

"Ooooooo" Yamcha sang out as he stood up. I glared at him and shot a blast from the tip of my finger, hitting him in the throat. He went into a gasping and coughing fit as he grabbed his throat and quickly left the room. Vegeta chuckled at that and Bulma glared at the two of us. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as we waited for everyone to leave.

"Look you guys... I really need you two to calm down with the destruction" Bulma sighed as she looked at us.

"You two should do what Goku does, go to the desert when you guys fight or train" She said.

Vegeta and I came to Earth 11 years ago. Not at the same time, I didn't even know he was still alive. I came when I heard a Saiyan here killed Frieza and he came way before that. Vegeta and I quickly became attached to one another and started a relationship. But our two stubborn, angry, and explosive personalities crashed and we broke up. Then our jealousy got the best of us and we couldn't stand seeing the other in a new relationship. We got back together and then the break up/get back together cycle began.

When we would fight about our relationship or about the other flirting with someone else or whatever, we tend to get physical. We've destroyed house, stores, stadiums, police stations, and more. We don't think about our surroundings when fighting, we just give in to the anger.

"We'll try" I shrugged, knowing that was a lie. Vegeta and I left Bulma's house and flew up into the air. We were currently in the "on" part of our relationship, so he flew home with me.

*6 days later*

I walked out to my kitchen and saw that Vegeta had left his coffee cup on the counter instead of putting it in the dishwasher. I clenched my jaw in annoyance and rinsed the cup out before putting it where it was supposed to go.

"Stupid Saiyan. Thinking everyone needs to do everything for him" I muttered as I picked up his dirty training uniform from the living room floor.

"Never cleans up after himself because he's too fucking lazy" I said as I grabbed his boxers from the floor and walked upstairs to my room. I threw his stuff in the dirty clothes hamper and walked downstairs to see Vegeta walking in the front door. He was sweaty, meaning he had just finished his morning training.

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