Vegeta X Reader (High School)

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I was walking to class when my best friend Autumn grabbed my arm and whispered

"New hot kid. 4 o'clock"

I slightly turned and saw a tall kid standing by his locker. His black hair stuck straight up and he was fairly muscular

He turned and caught my eye. He gave me a small smirk and slammed his locker door, walking away to class

I felt my face turn red as I looked back to Autumn

"Did he just smirk at you??" She asked

"Yeah why?"

"Shut up. Seriously?? I've had 2 classes with him and he barely looks at anyone. Dani tried to talk to him and he completely blew her off!!! Dani!!"

Dani was the prettiest girl in the whole school

I shrugged and continued to class

I had only one class with the new kid. Turns out his name is Vegeta. Strange name. Autumn was right though. He was so cold towards everyone but I would often catch him looking at me

*After school*

I was walking home when I suddenly felt like someone was following me. I quickly turned but no one was there

When I turned back around the new kid was right in front of me.

My first reaction when I get scared is to attack. So without thinking I punched him in the face.

"I'm so sorry!" I gasped when I realized who it was

He didn't even seem phased by the hit. He just smirked at me

I eyed him up and down, slightly confused

"What does he want?" I thought

"Okayy.." I walked around him and made my way home

He stayed by my side the whole time. Not saying a word

I oddly felt safe and comfortable

"Can you tell me why you're following me?" I asked

He glanced at me and smirked

"God that's so hot"

As we approached the park I sighed and kept my head down. I could see Vegeta looking at me in a weird way

"There's some guy who hangs around here. Real creep. He always tries to talk to me" I said without looking up

We managed to get half way through the park when I heard someone yell

"Hey baby!" I groaned and walked faster

The man ran to me "I was talking to you!"

He grabbed my arm and stopped me. Vegeta suddenly turned around and grabbed the man's other arm, pulling him away from me.

Vegeta threw the guy on the ground and knelt down on his chest "If you ever touch her, talk to her, or even look in her direction I will kill you" he harshly said

The man looked frightened

Vegeta moved his knee and the guy got up, running away

I gave Vegeta a small smile "Thank you"

He nodded and we continued walking

"Where do you live?" I asked

"Trenton street" he said

"Trenton street?!" I stopped walking

"Dude that's on the other side of town?! It's gonna take you at least an hour to walk home"

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