Vegeta X Reader (Zombie Apocalypse)

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I stood on my balcony and stared out into my small community. I was proud of what my brother and I built over the years. We were one of the only communities left and there was a reason for that.

I trusted no one

I didn't just let random people into my gated safe haven. I made them go through a series of tests so I could see what type of person they were. And if they passed and we're allowed in, I'd keep a few guards on them for the first few days. And then have a secret guard on them for the next week.

You can't trust anyone in times like these. You never know who's the psycho that wants to let the monsters in at night and who's the real scared victim who needs a bed to sleep in

We also survived the longest because my brother and I are the children of doomsday preppers. We would get teased and picked on in school a lot while growing up. Our parents taught us how to survive any emergency and now we live in one of the safest places on Earth

"Y/n" My brother said from behind me. I turned and placed my hands behind my back as I stared at him. He looked panicked and worried

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"There's two men at the South gates. One is bleeding pretty badly. Said he's been shot" Tyler said

"And?" I raised a brow

"And we need to help him" Tyler scoffed

"No. We don't know them. Remember the last time we helped someone? They said she was stabbed in the leg. We let her and her friends in here and 5 of our men died!" I shouted

"Y/n" Tyler begged me

"No" I snapped

"What would dad do? In this situation. What would dad have done?" Tyler always pulls this shit. Comparing me to my parents when it comes to big decisions. But this time it back fired on him

"Dad would have had our guards kill the two men as soon as they got within 3 feet of our gates" I harshly said. It was true. Dad didn't trust anyone and if he had to deal with the lying that caused the deaths of his people, he would kill anyone who got close.

"What would mom do?" He asked me. I clenched my jaw and stared at him. Deaths or not, mom would help anyone in need.

"Fuck" I lowly said under my breath. Tyler turned around and ran out of my room. I grabbed my gun and stuffed it into it's holder on my waist and ran after him. We got to the South gates and my guards were pointing their guns at the men

"Are you the leader?" One of the men yelled. He had black hair that stuck straight up and he was wearing a tight blue uniform of some sorts.

"Yes. What happened?" I asked him as I stared out through the gate bars

"He was shot. You have to help him" The man said as he looked down to his friend. His friend had black hair too and it also stuck up. It didn't stick straight up, it stuck up and out in different directions on his head. He was wearing an orange gi and holding his hands over his stomach

"Let me see the wound" I said as I stepped closer. The man glared at me with pure hate in his eyes. My guards cocked their guns and aimed them at the men

"Or not. But I suggest you get some place safe. Fresh blood attracts zombies" I nodded to the three zombies coming up behind the men

"Just help us!" The man screamed

"V-Vegeta..." The other man softly whispered. His friend looked down at him and then back at the zombies. He looked at me and clenched his jaw as he pulled his and his friends hands away from the wound. Blood came gushing out of him. He really did get shot and it looked very bad

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