Goku X Reader (High School)

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"Y/n!!! Let's go!!" My older sister, Bulma, wasn't too nice in the mornings. She always demanded first dibs on the bathroom and then would take 2 hours to get ready. I bet her to it this morning and she's not happy about it

"Give me a minute!" I yelled out as I fixed my hair in the mirror. Today was my first day of highschool. Well, my first day of Junior year. I used to go to another school but mom decided it would make more sense to have Bulma and I go to the same school this year. Bulma refused to switch schools so I had to

"My God!! You took forever!" She yelled after I opened the door. She pushed past me and slammed it shut

"What a loser" I laughed to myself as I continued getting dressed. I threw on a grey hoodie, black jeans, and my black Vans.

"We're gonna be late!" Bulma yelled at me as she ran down the steps and to her car. I sighed and followed her outside. I really didn't want to go to a new school because all of my friends were at my old school

"This sucks" I said once we were both in the car

"Life sucks. Get used to it. Besides, you won't be saying that once you see hot how the guys at my school are!!" She squealed and hit the gas

"Aren't you with that weird emo guy? What's his name again? Fajita?" I asked her

"It's Vegeta!!" She turned to me and snapped

"Besides, I can still look at other guys" she winked at me and then looked back to the road

"He isn't even that cute" I mumbled to myself as I stared out the window

After a ridiculous 15 minute car ride filled with Bulma squealing over every hot guy we passed we finally arrived at school

"Here it is!" She proudly said as she parked near the entrance. I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm and got out of the car. A small group of people walked over to us and greeted Bulma.

"Guys this is Y/n, my little sister" She pointed to me and then looked back to the group

"And these are the guys! Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, 18, Chi-Chi, Vegeta, and Goku" She said as she pointed to each person. I froze when I laid eyes on Goku. He was wearing a blue and orange zip up hoodie, deep blueish grey jeans and black Vans. His hair was spiky and sticking out in multiple different directions and he had a goofy smile plastered on his face

"Nice to meet you" Goku said as he stuck his hand out to me. I placed my much smaller hand in his and felt his fingers wrap around my hand. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't speak

"Is she okay?" Krillin asked. Goku and I didn't break eye contact or our handshake

"She's a weirdo" Bulma scoffed as she began walking away from us. Chi-Chi yelled for Goku and we broke from our trance. He smiled and then turned and quickly ran after his friends

"Wow" I said to myself as I walked into the school and looked at my schedule. I had mostly all senior classes despite being a junior. I walked into my first class of the day, history, and saw Goku sitting with Vegeta in the back of the class

"Hey Y/n!" Goku waved me over and motioned at the empty seat next to him. I smiled and walked back towards the seat but Chi-Chi pushed past me and sat down first

"Oops were you going to sit here?" She asked in a sarcastic voice

"You know she was" Goku said to her

"Oh well. Too slow" Chi-Chi giggled and turned her attention to Goku. He looked at me and his face fell to disappointed look

"Please take your seats" the teacher said as he walked into the room. I sighed and sat in front of Vegeta. History ended and I walked alone to my next class, Biology. I walked in and saw Goku once again sitting in the back. He called for me to sit next to him again. I smiled and managed to actually get the seat this time.

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