Krillin X Reader

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I decided to go visit Goku and the gang today

I walked to Bulma's house and smiled when I saw the gang

"There he is" my eyes fell to Krillin. He was such an amazing person and I had developed a huge crush on him

"Hey Y/n!" Goku waved to me

"Hey guys! What's new today?" I asked as I sat down next to Piccolo

"Nothing!" Vegeta harshly said

Bulma rolled her eyes "Don't mind him. He's just angry that he has nothing to do today" she chuckled

"You could always train with one of us" Krillin said

"Train with YOU WEAKLINGS!?!" Vegeta yelled as he stood up

"I WOULD NEVER!" He huffed and walked away

"I'll train with you Vegeta!" Goku chased after him

"If they're gonna train I wanna train" Piccolo looked to Tien

"Alright" Tien shrugged and they flew off

"Are you and Yamcha gonna train?" I asked Krillin

"Nah. Yamcha has a date in like 15 minutes" He said

"Oh crap! I forgot about that! Thanks Krillin!" Yamcha jumped up and flew away

"I'm gonna go inside and get more snacks" Bulma said

She turned and winked to me

She knows I like Krillin but promised not to tell him

When she left Krillin looked to me and smiled

"I could train you" he said

"You keep saying that" I giggled

"Because I mean it! You would make an amazing fighter!" He giggled

"Plus I'd make an amazing teacher" he proudly smiled at me

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Fine. You get one day to train me. If I like it we can keep going" I stood up

"Awesome!!" He jumped up and flew into the air

"Uhhh Krill?" I chuckled up at him

"Right! You can't fly!" He laughed and swooped down, picking me up bridal style

I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled

"This is gonna be so much fun" he said

Krillins face was so close to mine I could smell his breath. It was minty. My heart was racing but not from the height we were flying at. Krillin had this effect on me that no one else ever did

He landed in an open flower field

"Here should be good" he smiled and set me down

I put my hands on my hips and looked around

"Why here?" I asked

"It's beautiful and calming. You'll be able to focus better" he said

Krillin got into his fighting stance and smiled

"Attack me"

"Uhhhh I can't even fight yet?" I said

"Let's see how you do before any training. I'll be able to figure out how to train you better. Attack me" he smiled

I shrugged and ran towards him. I threw a punch and made contact with his chin

"I'm so sorry!!!" I quickly pulled away

"Y/n, I've taken way harder hits!" He laughed

"I barely even felt that"

"I don't wanna hurt you" I said

"I promise you won't. Hit me again. But harder. And don't feel bad" He said

I took a deep breath and ran at him. I swung and hit him in the chin once again

I looked to him, worried I hurt him

He looked at me and smiled

"Good!! Now let's see how fast you are"

As soon as those words left his lips he charged towards me. My eyes went wide and I took off in the other direction

"Y/n! You don't run! You dodge!" He laughed

"I can't do that!" I ducked behind a tree

"Fine. Let's see how good you are at hiding. If I find you I get to punch you" he chuckled

"Unfair!!" I called out

As soon as I did I realized he would have heard where I was

I quickly crouched down and ran to another tree

"I won't hit you hard" he chuckled

"You can't search for my energy! I can't hide it! It would be too easy!" I yelled out

I stayed as low as I could to the ground and ran for another tree

"Fine!" He laughed

"And no flying!" I took off for a huge rock

"Deal!" He sounded close

I peeked out from behind the rock and saw him looking near the tree I was just at

"I could sneak up on him"

I slowly made my way around the rock and towards another tree. Once I was there I was close enough to grab him

I moved away from the tree and snuck towards him

I slowly stood up and smirked as I lunged at him. I wrapped my arms around him and giggled

"Gottcha!!" I yelled out

Krillin chuckled and flung his body forward. My feet lifted from the ground and I flipped over him

I landed on my back and looked up to a smiling Krillin

"Nice try" 

I kicked Krillins legs out from under him and jumped on top of him, holding his arms down

"Thanks" I giggled

Krillin and I stared into each others eyes and I felt like the whole world had disappeared 

Krillin smirked and quickly slid his wrists out of my hands. He intertwined his fingers with mine and pushed me up. He flipped us over and I was on my back again

"Never let your guard down" He chuckled

He was still holding my hands. I blushed and stared into his eyes. Krillin suddenly lost his smile and slowly leaned down towards me

His lips crashed into mine and I felt a shiver wash over my body. 

Krillin pulled away and his face was red

"I'm sorry!" He jumped up and stood away from me

I stood up and walked over to him

"It's okay! I-I liked it" I softly said

"Y-You did?" His eyes went wide

"Yeah..I like you" I said

Krillin jumped up in excitement and cheered "Hell yeah!! I like you too" 

I giggled and walked over to him. I bent down and kissed his cheek

"You can keep training me if you want" I said

"I think I'd rather take you on a date!" He smiled

"I'd like that"

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