Vegeta X Reader (Superpowers)

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The lights were flashing red and the alarm was beeping so loudly it made my ears ache. I ran down the hall and to the large metal door that separated me from the rest of the world. I began fiddling with the control panel but it was flashing the words "Restricted" In big white letters.

"Fuck" I whispered as I smashed the panel in anger.

"Y/n!" I heard Dr. Brown shout. I slowly turned around to see him and his team wearing their fireproof suits and holding ice guns. My breathing quickened and trembled as I backed up towards the door. I won't go back. I can't go back.

"You've been very naughty today, haven't you?" Dr. Brown asked me as he chuckled. I swallowed hard and watched him and his team slowly walk towards me. My back hit the cold metal door and panic began to set in. I had gotten this far, I won't go back. I can't go back.

"You killed 3 of my men, Y/n" Dr. Brown said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"I didn't mean to! I was protecting myself!" I cried out. It was truth...I didn't mean to kill anyone. Dr. Brown had shot at me and I put up a firewall to defend myself...not realizing three men were creeping up behind me. They caught on fire and burned to death in minutes. I can hear their screams in my head and it makes me sick.

"I think that warrants no dinner for two weeks" He said as he flipped the 'On' switch on his gun. That familiar power up sound made me cringe and the icy blue light around the barrel of the gun gave me terrible flashbacks to the first time he used it on me. 

"Come on sweetie, it's in everyone's best interest if you just comply with us and get back in your room" Margret softly said. Fucking Margret. She always tries to "connect" with me because she's a woman too, but she can go fuck herself with a rotting cactus for all I care.

I gripped my fists at my sides and clenched my jaw as I focused on my power. I felt my skin heating up and my blue veins turned bright red. Dr. Brown's eyes went wide as he aimed his gun at me. The fire began at my feet and swirled upwards around me, like a tornado. My hair lifted off of my shoulders with the wind the tornado caused and I smirked at the Doctor and his team.

"Shoot her!" He ordered. I threw a fire ball through the tornado and it hit Margret, sending her flying backwards into the metal wall. She wasn't hurt by the fire because of her suit, but the impact her body felt against the thick wall did some damage. She groaned as she laid on the floor and her gun was out of reach. Dr. Brown looked at Trevor, his right hand man, and Trevor nodded. He shot an ice ball towards me and I screamed as I heated myself and my fire up. The fire was reaching temperatures I've never reached before and it was fucking amazing. The ice ball managed to get within a foot of me before my fire completely melted it and then evaporated the remaining water. I've never been able to do that before but I guess my will to escape is pushing me to new heights. I shot a ball at Trevor and it hit him in the leg, knocking him down, which caused him to smash his head into the concrete floor.

"Y/n! Stand down or I'll have to use lethal measures!" Dr. Brown shouted. His voice trembled a little but he was trying to hide it. My new power was scaring him.

"You won't kill me. You've spent 20 years trying to perfect me. Billions of dollars trying to keep me contained. You would sooner kill yourself before you killed me" I harshly said. My voice was a little raspy, it always gets like this when I use my powers. 

"You're right about that. You're my life's work, Y/n, I can't afford to lose you" He said as he put his gun down and pulled out his radio. He held the button down and brought it to his mouth as he stared at me.

"Turn the sprinklers on" He said. My eyes went wide and he smirked at me. Ice hurt me when I was in my fire form, but water could kill me. It burned my skin and caused me more pain than any of his terrible experiments. Luckily for me though, the sprinklers activated one by one in a line, and I was at the end of the line. I formed a fire ball in my hands and shot it at Dr. Brown. He was thrown back like Margret was and smashed into the wall. I turned and collected the fire tornado around me in my hands and shot it at the metal door. These walls were built to hold me in, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I kept blasting the door with fire ball after fire ball until I saw a small dent melting in the middle. I was making progress but I didn't have time for how slow it was going. 

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