Goku X Reader (Father/Daughter)

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I looked at the end of the dirt path. A small circular house sat alone in the woods. I looked to the ripped photo in my hand

"You've waited 19 years for this...don't back out now" I said to myself

I sighed and walked towards the house. I raised my shaking hand and knocked on the door. A short woman with black hair opened the door almost immediately

"Can I help you?" She asked me as she looked me up and down.

"I-I" I couldn't speak. My heart was going a million miles per hour and my whole body was numb. I was terrified

"Well!?" The woman shouted. She was clearly annoyed

I slowly held the photo up to her. She stared at the photo and then back to me

"Do you know this man?" I asked her

"I do. Who are you" she harshly asked

"Chi-Chi!!! I'm huuunnggrryy!!" Cried out a males voice from inside the house. I looked behind the woman to see a tall man walking towards the door

I dropped the photo and my eyes went wide. I froze in place and felt like all the air left my lungs

"Who's this?" He asked once he reached the doorway

"I don't know. But she had a photo of you" The woman grabbed the photo from the ground and handed it to the man. He stared at the photo and then back to me.

"Where did you get this?" He asked

"M-My mother" I managed to say

"Why would another woman have a photo of you!?" The woman screamed at the man

"Shhh" the man held his hand up to the woman and shushed her. Her eyes went wide and she smacked his hand away from her. He kept his eyes locked on mine. He took a step outside. I backed up and stepped off the small concrete step. He gently reached out towards my face

"Goku! Why are you trying to touch that woman!?" His wife yelled. Goku placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb up and down

"GOKU!!!" His wife screamed. Goku turned to his wife and then looked to me. He sighed

"I need to talk to you" he said to his wife

"About what" She demanded

"Her" Goku looked to me and gave me a soft smile

"Who is she?! Your mistress!" His wife screamed

"Ew. No. She's....my daughter" Goku softly said

The woman's face went blank. She lost all expression and looked to me

"This girl looks like no older than 19!! That's two years younger than Gohan!? How is that possible!" His wife screamed

"Chi-Chi...I think you and I need to talk.." Goku said. His wife's face went red with anger. She gritted her teeth and looked at me

Goku grabbed his wife's hand and walked her inside, closing the door behind them. I could hear their conversation

"Look Chi-Chi...I'm sorry...I was feeling low...and upset with our relationship...unhappy...I met Y/n's mother outside of a fast food place...she was so gorgeous...I felt a connection I didn't feel with you. We did form a small relationship and...I knew about the pregnancy. She told me she loved me...I didn't know what else to do. The relationship had gone too far because...I loved her too. So I finally told her I was married and had another child...she left me. Told me she'd never let our child see me and to forget about her. " Goku softly said

"It broke my heart but I tried to forget about her. It kinda worked? I never went looking for them but...I always wondered what it would be like if I did find them again" he chuckled a little

"YOU CHEATED ON ME!!! YOU SICK BASTARD!!!" She screamed at him

I heard the sound of things behind thrown and heavy foot steps. Chi-Chi flung the door open and glared at me

"Your mother was a fucking whore" she said as she walked out of the house. I was so shocked by the outburst towards me so I didn't even reply to her. She walked to her car and drove away

"Come inside" Goku said. I looked to my father and nodded. I sat down on the small couch and stared at my hands that laid on my lap

"I'm sorry I never came looking for you" He said. I looked up to him and completely forgot all of the questions I had for him

"I loved your mother more than anything in the world...we were together for a whole year before she got pregnant..I...didn't know how to leave Chi-Chi and I ended up losing the woman I truly loved over it" He sounded so heartbroken

"She hated you" was all I could say. My eyes went wide when I realized what had just come out of my mouth but Goku didn't seem surprised

"Good. I didn't deserve her or her heart. I should have left Chi-Chi but...I don't know. I was a dumb kid and I made the wrong choice" He sighed and leaned against the wall as he looked at me

"She told me about you...about how much she loved you" I felt the tears in my eyes

"W-Where is she?" He asked but I think he already knew the answer

"She died a month ago...that's why I came looking for you...I always had my mother so I thought I didn't need you...until she died and I was left alone" The warm tears poured down my cheeks and Goku sat down next to me on the couch

"I'm so sorry I ever left her and I'm so sorry I never tried to find her...or you...but you're here now and I think we can form a strong relationship" He smiled at me. My mother was right, I look just like him

"I'd like that" I softly said. He hugged me and began giggling

"What's so funny?" I asked

"I'm just excited to have another Saiyan around! Even if you are only half, you're still Saiyan!" He proudly said

"Saiyan?" I asked him

"Y-Your mother didn't tell you?" He asked me as he raised an eyebrow

"Tell me what?" I was incredibly confused at this point

"You have experienced the abilities, right? The flying, energy blasts, strength?" He asked me

"No?" I was about to book it from this house. He's crazy

"Well then, we have a lot to talk about" He chuckled and patted my knee. I've always wondered who my father was but what did I just get myself into??

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