Bardock X Reader (King Vegeta's Sister)

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I put the finishing touches on the gift and looked to the clock on my wall


I grabbed the box and took off out of my room. I got half way down the wall when I felt someone grab my arm. I looked back to see my brother

"Going somewhere?" He asked

"Ugh" I groaned and rolled my eyes

I turned around and pulled my arm away from him

"Nope" I said

"Yes you were. Don't lie to me. What are you doing up so late" He asked

"What are you doing up this late?" I eyed him and asked

"I have Kingly duties that need to be attended to" He huffed

"At 11 o'clock at night?" I raised an eyebrow

"Being the King doesn't just stop after the sun goes down. I'm always extremely busy" He said

I crossed my arms "And yet here you are, harassing your ADULT sister" I said

"ADULT or not, you're still my little sister. AND the princess. I need to know where you are at all times" he said

I began slowly walking backwards as I spoke "I don't need your eyes on me. I can handle myself" I said

"I'm not worried about you handling yourself. I'm worried about that low class Saiyan, Bardock, handling you!" He harshly said

"Who said anything about Bardock?" I asked as I slowly made my way towards the door

"I know that's who you've been with! I have people who inform me!" He said

"So you spy on me?" I asked

"I do what's necessary" King Vegeta said

"Spying on me is necessary?" I asked

"I don't want that low class Saiyan to mix in with us. It would show us as weak!" He growled

"So who should I date? Who would be good enough for you, dear brother?" I asked as my back hit the door. I put my hands behind my back, mimicking the way my brother stood. I slowly reached up and grabbed the door handle

"Y/n there are plenty of high class Saiyans to pick from!" He said

"Oh you mean all of the ones who kiss your ass but talk mad shit behind your back?" I asked

"No one talks bad about me behind my back" King Vegeta scoffed

I motioned to the wall behind him "Looks like they're doing it right now"

My brother turned around to see what I was talking about. He was greeted by nothing. I took the opportunity to run for it. I opened the door and sprinted for the city

My brother turned back around and yelled for me "Y/n!! You brat!!"

I giggled and flew into the air, towards Bardock's house

When I landed I crouched down and looked through his window. The lights were off and I could see the clock


"Fuck" I harshly whispered

I slowly opened his window and flew in. I tip toed my way towards his room and gently turned the knob. When I opened the door I was the sweetest thing

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