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Name: Lux

Personality: Charming, optimistic, energetic, cunning

Gender: Neutral

How it came to be:

Grace had done some research on animals that were native to her homeland, England, and would be something different as a character. During the first meeting, she drew a rough version of a Lynx and a Fox, unsure of which one probably suited her more. After the professional design team took over, they created two versions for Grace to pick from before ultimately picking a Lynx as they were extinct in England.

Background Information:

Being a Lynx meant you were the smallest wild cat around but still powerful. However, they were being hunted and are soon becoming extinct in their habitats. Tata appeared and told Lux about a world where Lynxes wouldn't be hunted and about his little band of friends, with Lynx agreeing to join them.


Lux's introduction video was voted one of the saddest yet one of the most powerful as it highlighted what was happening in the world.

There were many clips posted of Chimmy and Shooky playing with Lux's tail only to be chased.

Grace has many of the merch of Lux and you'll often find the cuddly toy in the background of a V-Live. Like Seokin who carries RJ around, Grace does the same for Lux

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