BTS Moments: Hobi & Grace feat Jimin - Abandoned Houses

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There were abandoned houses behind the houses they were currently in and Jimin had come up with the brilliant idea that he and Hobi would go and have a look at them in the dark. With only a candle and a camera. With no one else until they managed to get Grace involved who had taken one look at them as if they had lost their minds but ultimately agreed because why the hell not.

She had regretted it the moment the door opened.

Now, you had to understand that there were a few things that Grace didn't like: spiders, certain bugs, the dark and ridiculously loud noises. Hobi shared the same dislikes as well and to some degree, so did Jimin. How the hell they thought it was a brilliant idea, they would never know until Jimin would later reveal he had gone up there already in the day.

"Why did you have to drag me along?" she muttered, flexing the fingers that was in Hobi's death grip.

"Because you're our Noona and you'll protect us," Jimin replied and giggled at the dirty look he got in return.

The further they went in, the further they got scared. "What's that?" Hobi whispered, pointing at an old tv on a table. Jimin told him as such but that still didn't stop Hobi jumping when he bumped into it.

"Where are we going now?" Grace asked after they headed towards the stairs, slowly making their way up. There was dead silence until Jimin yelled behind them, causing Hobi to jump a mile in the air and then turn it blue with the curse words coming out of his mouth.

"Ya Jimin, you can't do shit like that," Grace breathed as she held a hand to her beating heart and wondered for a brief moment if she was having a heart attack as Hobi continued to swear at Jimin who retreated down the stairs, nearly doubled over in pain from laughing.

"You are a little shit," she added when they were finally outside.

"You're a Ssibal-saekki," Hobi added, storming past. That was the final straw and Grace joined Jimin in laughing, pointing a finger at the dancer as he made his way back to the main house and to safety.

"Ah, amazing. I've never heard him swear that much," Jimin giggled as he leaned against his noona as they followed behind.

Note: According to Google, so correct me if I'm wrong, the swear words used by Hobi in this translate to 'fucking son of a bitch.' Also apologies for taking forever 

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