BTS MOMENTS: Grace & Bam - Unexpected Visits

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She got the message from Jungkook at stupid o'clock in the morning and then another message from HYBE at 4am which is the one that actually woke her up. She had groaned, rolled over, read the message and groaned even louder at how stupid Jungkook was and how he couldn't be responsible with his pets.

She didn't mean it but at 4am when you're getting messages from the protocol team saying Jungkook had stayed up ridiculously late on live even though he had an appointment for Bam at 10:30am and his brother wasn't responding to messages either. The next best thing to do was to contact his noona.

"Ridiculous," Grace muttered as she pulled on her shoes. She had spent the morning waking up and checking out the LIVE herself, seeing Namjoon's comments then the Taehyung/Jungkook instagram live then the singing then the alcohol and the nonsense. She wondered what often went through that boy's head at times.

She grabbed her bag and keys, reading the message from management to say the car was downstairs waiting for her to go over to Jungkook's to pick up Bam.

"Of all damn days," she sighed and checked the time. Over an hour to get to Jungkook's, get the dog, get to the doctors and then get Bam back. And then her day could begin though she had a feeling today just wasn't going to go her way.

"So sorry about this," she apologised to their manager who simply grinned and chuckled. Of course he had been woken up just as early as she had by the messages and he had given up his day for this as well.

Jungkook was going to be in so much trouble.

Thankfully she had a spare key and she knew the code to get into the apartment. It was pitch black with the galaxy light still plugged in so she quickly turned it off and pulled the plug out of the socket, glancing around the living area and shaking her head at the many beer cans.

Jungkook was fast asleep in his bed, snoring away with Bam laying in his house.

"Lucky," she said to herself as she left the bedroom and grabbed Bam's leash from the kitchen, filling up his water bowl and some of his food as well. At the sound of that were the telltale signs of Bam's nails against the tiled floor.

"Did your Dad get drunk and forget about you?" she mused, rubbing at his ears then his face. "Go on, get something to drink and eat. You've got a medical appointment soon."

Grace left Bam to it and went to Jungkook's room, opening a window to let some air in and then left a note next to his pillow to let him know she had kidnapped his dog for his appointment.

"Come on then Bamie, let's go," she hooked up his leash to his collar and closed the apartment door behind her, making sure it was fully locked then made her way down to the car. Thankfully Bam was used to her so he soon settled next to her as they made their way through Seoul to the medical appointment.

Of course, there was a lot of explaining to do at the appointment for Jungkook's absence and she had plenty to tell him when he finally woke up including a way he was going to pay her back.

Instead of bringing Bam straight back, she kept the dog with her all day until a sheepish Jungkook showed up at the studio.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Trouble? Oh a whole load of it."

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