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If anyone believed they were going to see animals in the evening then they were stupider than they looked and Grace found herself with members who clearly thought they were going to do exactly that. Of course, she said nothing and found herself holding her laughter in at how excited some of them seemed to be.

In the end, it all went to hell and they ended up in a zombie episode.

"Ah, should have known," Grace sighed as she juggled with a frightened Hobi who wouldn't leave her side when they got off the bus. She wasn't exactly a coward and she wasn't exactly afraid of things like this, she just didn't like spiders, heights and things that randomly jumped out of her.

How she managed to get through the episode with a smile on her face and laughing most of time, even sort of winning, was an utter mystery to her.

There were moments when she thought 'sod it' and did things on her own, switching to English since it was easier and making sure her cameraman didn't end up lost or run over. Of course, that didn't stop her from jumping when she had been looking at something and the camera randomly popped up in her face.

"Shiii," she groaned and stopped herself from swearing. "Don't do that," she scoffed with a sort of laugh as she reached over to steady the cameraman.

"Bloody hell," she then found herself cursing when Seokjin and Yoongi stumbled into her, dressed up as zombies. "You two look hilarious," Grace grinned as she reached over to touch some of the fake blood Yoongi had splattered on himself.

In the end, they had a lot of fun and Jimin ended up with most of the tickets so it all worked out in the end.

"Let's not do this again," Grace said when they had finished filming.

"It was horrifying," Hobi agreed with a slight shudder.

"Aww noona, were you scared?" Jimin teased, waving his tickets in front of her.

"She was the least scared," the cameraman revealed causing Grace to smugly grin.

"I know, I found it funny. It was just the running around that tired me out," she revealed causing Jimin to giggle and all but fall into her.

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