BTS MOMENTS: Jimin & Grace - Good Night

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Jimin tossed and turned in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position without trying to wake up his roommate. They had both gone to sleep over two hours ago and while sleep had come easily to Hobi, it hadn't to Jimin who continued to lay there with his thoughts churning in his head. What if this didn't work? What if this went wrong? Why was this happening? It all kept going on in his mind, around and around.

So he lay there and thought and thought and couldn't sleep.

With a sigh, Jimin pushed back the covers to his bed and left the room as quiet as a mouse. The rest of the dorm were either sleeping or out - Namjoon and Yoongi were at the studio, Jungkook was fast asleep as he had gone to bed just before Jimin did, and Seokjin was out with his friends as was Taehyung. However, there was one more person left.

Jimin pushed the door to his noona's room open and found her fast asleep in her double bed. It was like going to your parent's room if you had a nightmare and you needed comfort, knowing the door was always open for you regardless and that's what it was like when it came to Grace. She was the comforter, the safe zone, the wall between the outside world and their dorm. She looked after everyone when it came to their health and wellbeing, to their mental health and their physical health. Seokjin and Yoongi were the fixers and the providers but they also went to Grace when they felt upset.

As quietly as he could, Jimin slipped underneath the covers and buried his head into Grace's back. It almost stopped the worries and the doubts but it wasn't enough.

"What's wrong?" Grace asked quietly, having woken up when she felt the covers being moved.

"I can't sleep. My brain won't shut up," Jimin murmured against the material of Grace's pyjamas.

"Ah," Grace hummed and rolled onto her back. "Come here then."

Jimin rolled onto his side and cuddled up to his noona, resting his head on her shoulder while she combed her fingers through his hair. It was the type of comfort only a mother or older sister, in this case, could provide.

He grinned to himself when he heard her humming Serendipity but finally his mind and his body started to relax, slumping heavily against Grace when he finally fell into a deep slumber. She smiled and pressed a light kiss to the top of his head, making sure the covers were wrapped tight around him.

"Good night Jimin."

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