BTS Moments: Taehyung & Grace - Do you want a hug?

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There were a few things Grace disliked - waiting, delays, people who kissed ass and periods. For clarification, periods when there were performances to be filmed and periods which were currently crippling her abdomen. The painkillers she normally had weren't touching it this time and she was doing everything she could not to bend over and cry.

There were at least five cameras pointing at the stage, two were following the group around to film behind the scenes and then they had the BANGTAN BOMB cameras as well. Everywhere Grace looked, there was a camera and there was no space where she could go for five minutes and just breathe.

The boys already knew and god bless them, they were tripping over backwards to get anything she wanted but even they couldn't help with the cramps and even they couldn't get her five minutes spare. Jimin had already done his duty of spot checking her, Jungkook had been there to hold her hand when she needed to squeeze something and the others had gone backwards and forwards to get her water, a heat pack or to discreetly escort her to the toilet.

It was just going to be one of those days and one of those days she was just going to have to battle through.

Letting out a low breath, Grace counted to ten in her head and then let out another low breath. A technique Namjoon had found online to help her essentially breathe through the pain, though it was more used for childbirth and if this level of pain was going to be anything like childbirth, then she wanted to skip that part.

She closed her eyes and listened to the noise in the background, ARMY talking amongst themselves while the crew finished setting up whatever was causing the delay and the rest of BTS were playing around on stage.

"Do you need a hug?" Taehyung muttered, having reached her side when he noticed his noona was set apart from the usual group shenanigans.

Grace opened her eyes and looked at her bear questioningly, wondering where this was coming from all of a sudden.

"I'm not sure it'll help with the pain, but it might cheer you up a little," he shrugged with that bashful smile of his and she couldn't help but chuckle. If there was anyone who was keeping a quiet but close eye on her, it would be Taehyung. He was a bit more intune with her pain levels than most of them.

She didn't have time to nod when she felt his chin on her shoulder, warm arms around her waist in a tight but comfortable embrace. Whether it was the warmth of Taehyung or the comfort, Grace didn't know, but it made her instantly relax and she leaned against him as Jimin wandered over to get in on the hug, wrapping his arms around her from the front to create a sandwich.

"A noona sandwich?" Jungkook questioned, pouting a little when he realised he had been left out of the hug.

"I'm cheering her up and Jimin is keeping her doubly warm," Taehyung grinned, knowing his mission was complete the moment he felt his noona lean on him.

"I'll go and get chocolate then," Jungkook announced and dashed off the stage, ignoring the 'five minute' warning from the staff.

But at least Grace felt warm and comfortable and relaxed and all she had to do now was get through the recording at least two more times and then she'd be home. And back in the maknae line sandwich. 

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