BTS MOMENTS: Namjoon & Grace - Ready, Steady, Cook!

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It was a running joke between everyone in Bangtan that Namjoon couldn't cook.

He could cook, sort of, but he was just a danger to be in the kitchen. Grace had seen the frying pan be set on fire with the contents inside not burnt, she had seen him try and chop vegetables and nearly cut his fingers off, she had seen him try to boil water and end up nearly splashing it all over himself.

So it became easier in the earlier days to keep Namjoon outside of the kitchen and let Jin, Grace and Yoongi do the cooking with Jungkook.

But since Namjoon and the rest of them were going to be living on their own from now on, Grace had taken it upon herself to teach him at least one meal. Something that he could easily do on his own without resorting to getting a takeaway.

In theory.

Sweet and sour chicken, the cheats version.

He had figured out the rice, so that wasn't one thing she needed to teach him but the chicken was one thing she had to do.

"So," she said as she handed him the packet of chicken, "You need to dice that into about seven to nine pieces and then we'll go from there."

Namjoon took the packet and the knife sceptically but with his game face on, he actually managed to open up the packet of chicken without cutting his fingers and managed to cut the chicken into reasonable pieces without any injury.

"Okay, good start," Grace grinned as she took the chicken and put it in a bowl. "Now slice up the green pepper and red pepper, I've already deseeded it for you."

It was going well and Namjoon took his time, double checking each time he did something with Grace who showed him where he went wrong if she needed to.

The chicken was in the pan and cooking nicely when Grace pulled out the sauce, already pre-made by her mother and poured it into the pan which caused the chicken to sizzle and smoke. Namjoon almost went into panic mode, ready to fling the pan and run but Grace put a hand to his back, keeping him still.

"It's fine, just let it cook for 5 minutes and then we'll plate it up."

For his first homecooked meal, Namjoon did everything perfectly and took a picture to send to his parents as well as the group chat to say 'Look what I did.' Yes, Grace slightly cheated with pre-made sauce but the fact that Namjoon managed to cut the chicken without sending the knife flying was a miracle in itself and she said nothing about the slightly over-cooked rice.

She was too busy grinning as Namjoon complimented his own cooking.

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