Namjooning - Namjoon & Grace

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It was cute to watch Namjoon buzz his little socks off in the passenger seat of her car. He already had accumulated a list of plants that he thought would be suited for her apartment and for her needs, especially since she was going to be getting a cat soon. He had extensively researched local shops and suppliers, had done his own research into each plant and how it needed taking care of, which ones could survive on their own essentially and which ones would bloom lovely with the right amount of care.

When Grace had gone to Namjoon for some advice over what plants to get for her apartment (they literally lived in the same complex) and which ones wouldn't be harmful to her future cat, she didn't realise it would become a thing. She knew he loved plants, his little bonsai tree was proof of that and the amount of plants that used to live at the dorm as well under his care meant she was putting her trust in the right person.

So he had got his list together, found a trusted shop to go to and arranged with the owners for a private hour for them to buy plants. It had amused her greatly at how serious he was taking this.

After parking in the back and making their way to the main front door, it was clear that the shop in question was a plant lover's dream. Named the Gardener' Wife, run by a gardener and his florist wife, it had been in Seoul for the past fourteen years. And it was clear they were going to be the experts in the field.

For Grace, she just showed her bank card and let them have it.

She found a cart full of Pothos, zanzibar gem, areca palm, spider plant for the cat, and so much more. Her apartment was going to look more like the garden shop than it was an apartment. But at least they were easy to look after and she would only have to give them a water when they needed it.

"Thank you so much," Grace said as she took her bank card back. "Namjoon is going to have fun now trying to find the right home for all these."

Namjoon blinked from where he had been looking at a handmade pot, small enough to fit in his hands but large enough to hold a plant. "Isn't this cute?" he asked, holding up the pot for Grace to see.

"You're cute," she gave as a response and grinned when the dimples came out. "I guess we'll have that as well."

The pot found its precious place on Namjoon's lap and all the plants were secured in the boot. It smelt like a garden nursery in the car, a mix of nature and soil, as well as plastic from the watering can Namjoon had made her get.

"Thank you for doing this for me," she said as she put the car in neutral when they reached a heavy amount of traffic on the way back to their complex.

"More than welcome, Gigi. Thank you for my pot," he said as he held it tightly in his hands.

"Just don't break it. Maybe we should have got you a plastic one," she teased as she glanced at the younger man next to her. He may be her leader but he was still five years younger than her and you could tell that by the way he glared at her.

"If this is what you call Namjooning, then I might Namjoon a bit more with you," she added once the traffic started.

"I'd be more than happy for you to join me as I Namjoon," he chuckled as he looked at the pot in his hands then towards the woman he had met all those years ago when he was an early trainee. "Thank you as well, Gigi."

"For what?"

"For always believing in me."

"Anytime Namjoon, anytime."

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