BTS MOMENTS: Seokjin & Grace - Days Off

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- Nearly a two-hour drive for a twenty-four home visit

- Of course, he would go straight to Grace's with a very quick pitstop to his parents

- But he's heading to Grace's no matter what

- Homecooked food all-day

- Seokjin wakes up to a monster on his chest but it's Min-Ji who has missed him as much as Grace has

- It's a big white fluff rug on his chest and it's comforting but suffocating at the same time. Plus he really needs the bathroom

- He finds Grace making breakfast, still in her nightclothes which consist of a pair of shorts and someone's shirt. He can't tell if it's his, Yoongi's or Jungkook's

- When she turns around, he realises its Namjoons shirt. The plant graphic on the front says it all

- They eat breakfast in front of the tv, sprawled on the couch with Min-ji spread across the windowsill watching the rain 

- There are no plans today for the two of them because it's Jin's first day off from the military and he wants to do nothing but cuddle up to this amazing woman 

- Of course, the group chat with the rest of the boys goes off all day but some of the messages are easy to ignore

- Jimin's suggestion that they give them nieces or nephews is promptly ignored

-  Yoongi's message about the cat is not ignored however

- A selfie with said white cat is taken with Min-Ji spread across Jin's shoulders

- When did they get so broad

- When did everything get so broad and muscular

- If this is what the military does to the boys, god help ARMY

- God help Grace because she hasn't realised what was truly hidden under that uniform

- The really short hair does nothing for her but watching him move around in civilian clothes makes her miss the uniform

- Wonders briefly if he gets to keep the beret because she kinda wants it for herself

- Dinner consists of skewers because Jungkook has materialised for an hour because he misses his hyung. After the food is gone, so is Jungkook 

- No one else bothers them

- It's hard to say goodbye in the morning, there are a couple of tears but he knows he'll be back soon. He's gotten good at being in the military and he's going up the ranks fast

- Promises to bring her a beret if he can get one 

- Kisses her goodbye, quite a bit

- Doesn't kiss the cat but it gets a good snuggle in 

- More kisses but then he has to go

- Really

- Has 

- To 


But he leaves with the hope he'll be back soon and not when it's to say goodbye to another member

-God damn it J-Hope

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