BTS MOMENTS: Jimin & Grace - Movie Nights

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It was his first proper week at his new apartment. It didn't feel like home, just yet. Jimin had spent the end of his teen years and then adult years living with the rest of the group in various dorms across Seoul but still together and still sharing the same space as he always had done.

His roommate was always Hobi and there had been no change to that until they all had left and got their own apartments. His place felt empty, not lived in yet but he felt alone. Namjoon was only five minutes away in the same complex and the others living either ten or more minutes away. Still not close enough for him to ring anyone and for them to be there within seconds.

However, there was one person.

Jimin packed a small bag with some night clothes and his nightcare routine, checked to make sure he had his keys and phone then made his way down several floors of the apartment building he was in.

His noona was several floors below him in her own apartment that she had just finished decorating and furnishing. His go-to for when he felt insecure or worried, his sister who he could hide behind if the world ever focused too much on him and when his own thoughts were getting in the way.

"Noona, you ready?" he asked as he stepped inside the apartment that he had the code for like he did for all the others.

"I'm ready," she called back and came back with her jacket and her keys. "Where do you want to go and get snacks from?"

"Let's go to the local grocery store and see what we can find."

It wasn't far to drive but with it being a cold night, it was easier to sit in the luxury heated car and load it full with at least ten bags of various snacks and food.

Tonight was just for the two of them - there would be no Jungkook demanding his mother's time, there would be no Seokjin demanding his girlfriend's time, there would be no other members of Bangtan who sought after Grace's time and attention. Just her and her chimchim.

"Go and take your shower, I'll get the snacks sorted." she said as she took the final bags from him and nudged him in the direction of the bathroom with a tap to the butt.

It was the quickest shower he had taken and his nighttime routine done within minutes, rather than hours. He came to find the large screen TV on, Netflix's menu open and ready, the warm lamps on, curtains closed and blankets spread across the couch with all the snacks laid out on the coffee table.

"I don't know what you want to watch, so I'm leaving it up to you. Just don't put horror on otherwise we'll never sleep," Grace laughed as she handed the remote to Jimin as he jumped over the back of the couch and all but dove underneath the blankets.

He didn't know if it was because he was next to his noona or because he felt at home, but he never made it past the first movie and was fast asleep on his noona's lap after finishing off a packet of cheese balls.

Jimin knew he lived alone but he was never truly going to be alone now. 

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