BTS MOMENTS: Jimin feat. Taehyung & Jungkook - Maknae Line Interruption

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It started like every V-LIVE she did - she did her introductions, showed ARMY what she was drinking which was either tea or some kind of soda, then showed off her snack which was biscuits from England that her mum had brought back - then got to business. ARMY knew they could come to Grace and talk about their problems, whether it was in English or in Korean, all would be answered unless she stated specifically what language she was speaking.

Today was a mix as she just came on to catch up with everyone as she hadn't seen ARMY in a while and had been busy with their comeback so she scheduled time away in her studio so she could just curl up in her chair and talk.

One question had caught attention and she was in the middle of giving her explanation when a knock to her door interrupted her. Of course, ARMY were quick to guess who it was. There were only three people who would do this now in the middle of her live.

"One second everyone, the babies are awake."

Grace sighed and pushed her chair away, getting up with a slight 'oof' and made her way to the door. Sure enough, the moment she opened it, the maknae line came stumbling in.

"Oh noona, you're on V-Live. Sorry," Jimin tried to apologise over Taehyung and Jungkook saying hello to everyone right in front of the camera but Grace grinned, waving him off.

"I wondered how long it would take for you guys to come here, you took longer than expected. We're just answering ARMY's worries," she said as she took her seat again and let out a bigger 'off' when Taehyung climbed into her lap.

"You need to stop going to the gym with Jungkook," she muttered to him and nudged him so he could face the camera and she could still see the screen.

"Noona! Pretty Grace. She's like a mother," Jungkook read the comments, face almost touching the screen. "My mother, you can't have her. And she's very pretty. But you still can't have her."

"You can't have her either," Jimin added as he pulled the youngest away from the screen to take over.

"Most of these are in English," he murmured as Jungkook pouted at him and Taehyung was more than happy to sit in his sister's lap as he sipped on her tea.

"Oh, here we go - what are your roles going to be when Grace-noona gets married?"

Well that let off a chain reaction which had Grace's head spinning and ARMY taking screenshots as soon as it happened.

"Married?! She's not allowed!"

"Who asked that? Yoongi's number one wife? How dare you. You can't say things like that."

"Noona isn't allowed to get married unless it's one of us."

"Rapmon-hyung!" Jungkook cried out when the member in question popped his head in. "Noona isn't allowed to get married, is she?"

"Ah well," Namjoon - the wordsmith of BTS, leader, who is super impressive at giving speeches - was lost for words. Considering of what he knew of Grace's current relationship status.

He decided now was the time to make a swift exit, with Jungkook and Taehyung following.

Grace sighed and ran a hand over her face, trying her hardest not to laugh. Everytime.

"Noona, I'll go and fill up your tea. You might be here for awhile," Jimin said as he took his sister's mug and nodded in the direction of ARMY who were now asking a billion questions about what her future wedding would look like.

"Thanks so much," she sighed as she rolled her chair closer and Jimin, the angel he was, went to get more tea. And maybe another snack. And maybe warn Seokjin-hyung that ARMY had high expectations.

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