BTS MOMENTS: Hobi & Grace feat. the others - Why did you leave me? Part Two

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They pulled into their next destination, still in high spirits regardless of what had just happened. Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin were happy to have their Grace-noona with them as well as Hobi, who had retold the story of how the two were left at the roadside and how he had planned to walk to the next destination until he saw they had left Grace behind. It was funny now, back then it wasn't.

"Ah Jin-hyung always comes up with the worst pranks," Jungkook commented from the front as he pulled into the parking space and turned off the engine.

"As long as he apologies," Namjoon added as he followed everyone out of the campervan.

"Don't make it easy on him," Jimin muttered and nearly tumbled when Hobi pushed him. "You were involved, what are you on about?"

Grace hid her chuckles but soon relaxed her face into nothing, barely glancing over at Jin and Yoongi as they got out of the car. Taehyung bounced up to her and pulled her into a hug, almost draping off her. "You're not mad at me, are you noona?" he muttered and she gave a quick shake of her head, giving him a tight squeeze.

"Ah noona, we're sorry."

"Very sorry."

It was like watching two school children standing in front of their teacher, head down and hands in their pockets.

And it was hard not to laugh right along the others but she managed, not once did her expression change even as Jin got down on his knees to wrap his arms around her waist in a hug and it didn't change when Yoongi back-hugged her as well.

When the grovelling was getting too much and too dramatic, Grace managed to shrug them off with a sigh. "You two are morons. Don't do it again," she added as she nudged Jin's backside with her foot then did the same to Yoongi.

"Also you need to apologist to Hobi, since you originally meant to prank him."

Of course, that started round two of the dramatic grovelling from Jin while Yoongi simply apologised, though really he had nothing to do with it other than be in the passenger seat.

All was forgiven, even after the dramatic replay by the maknae line of Jin's grovelling. 

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