BTS MOMENTS - Taehyung & Grace

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Sick Day

The group could count on two hands how many times they all had come down with the same illness within days of each other - it usually started with Jungkook then it went through to Seokjin then it made its way through the rest. There was always a guarantee that by the time it got to the last member, the previous one would be better. This time it had hit Taehyung first and hard - he was suffering from a bad cold and full body aches, making it even more difficult to get him up in the morning.

They were two weeks away from their comeback and every day had been filled with practices, practices, training, the gym, filming and more practice. It was inevitable that they would get ill around this time, when they were all tired and not sleeping well, not eating well didn't help.

It was early evening and they had taken a break from dance practice, Namjoon ordering dinner to be delivered like he had done the previous two nights and the rest of them spread out across the warm floor. Hoseok was running through some final moves with Seokjin, Yoongi was fiddling with his laptop to finish off some beats and Jimin with Jungkook were spread out across the floor. Grace leaned against the cool mirror and closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a long breath before downing the rest of her water.

Suddenly a dead weight landed in her lap and she jumped, opening her eyes to find a tired Taehyung sprawled across her thighs. Today hadn't been a good start for him - completely blocked nose, blocked ears, sore throat that made him sound like a frog and he just wanted to go to bed.

"Noona," he croaked he rolled onto his side and used Grace's leggings to wipe his sweat from his forehead. "Tired. Want to go home."

There was the other side to a sick Bangtan - they all became cuddly monsters when they got sick, Taehyung being the worst.

"I know Tae," she sighed as she run her fingers through his knotted hair. "We've only got two hours left and then we'll get you home. You can have a hot shower and we'll dose you up on more meds, get you feeling better."

She caught Jin's eye, clearly seeing the 'how is he' question in his gaze and she shook her head at him. She then watched as Jin spoke quietly to Namjoon and Hobi, hopefully organising this dance practice to finish sooner rather than later. They were all dead on their feet and an early night was going to be much needed.

Grace watched as Taehyung rolled onto his back then pushed himself up, nudging her so he could lean back against her chest. "You big baby," she chuckled as she adjusted him in her arms, resting her chin on the top of his head then began to rock him. Dinner wouldn't arrive for another half an hour or more so she may as well let him get a little nap in now.

What she didn't see was Hobi discreetly take his phone out and capture a photo, soon uploading it to Twitter with the caption: "Grace and her baby bear." It was completely worth it even if she did give Hobi dagger eyes once she saw it online. 

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