BTS & Min-Ji (Grace's cat)

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Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of white and for a brief moment, he wondered if he had seen a ghost. But then the fluff and fur that came with it made him realise he wasn't alone at 2am in the dim light of the kitchen.

"You awake as well?" Seokjin asked, reaching down to stroke the long length of Min-Ji's tail as the long white cat threaded through Seokjin's bare legs. "Hungry too?"

There was a deep but soft meow that seemed to echo around the kitchen and the cat jumped up onto one of the kitchen stools, sitting down on his back legs as if he was waiting for a meal to be prepped.

Hiding a grin behind his hand, Seokjin knew what the cat wanted and grabbed a tin of tuna from the cupboard. It didn't take long to chop up the tuna and put it on a plate, placing it in front of the patiently waiting cat.

With that done, Seokjin grabbed his own snack and a glass of water and made his way back to bed. Grace slept soundly with the duvet pulled up to her neck, completely unaware that her boyfriend and her cat were wide awake at stupid o'clock in the morning.

There was a loud purring from the bedroom door and it didn't stop as Min-Ji jumped onto the bed, making his way over to Seokjin's lap. "Nice to know you've warmed up to me already," he whispered as the cat made biscuits on the duvet before turning around three times and settling down. "You can keep her company when I'm gone and I know you'll do a good job."


"It's time I met my twin," Yoongi commented as the cat stretched across the dance practice floor, completely unaware of the chaos that was happening as BTS practiced for their Busan concert and staff wandered around.

"Your twin," Grace scoffed with a laugh as she closed up the crate. It wasn't often she brought Min-Ji out of her apartment or out of her parent's sight but on a rare day that even the staff wanted to meet said animal, she couldn't say no.

Yoongi squatted down and clicked his fingers, full on gummy smile as the cat wandered over to nudge at the offered fingers. "I guess he can tell when there's another cat in the room," Grace commented as she left them to it, wandering over to where the staff where calling her to discuss her clothes for the performance.

The other cat in question said nothing as he sat fully down on the floor and smoothed down the white fur, grinning like an idiot as the cat purred underneath his fingers. While Yoongi cared more for dogs, his own was testament to that, it didn't stop him from gushing over the fur baby of Grace's.

Of course, the cat abandoned him for one of their managers who offered a couple of treats but throughout the day, Yoongi wandered around to pick up the completely unbothered feline so he could take a quick selfie to later upload on Instagram after Grace did. And from that day, Min-Ji became a favourite of Yoongi's and vice versa as they were often seen chilling out together, sometimes fast asleep in Yoongi's studio with the cat spread across the rapper's lap as he tinkered with his music.


He wasn't a coward, he really wasn't but he had to admit the cat had an intimidating stare. The yellowy-green eyes followed him as Hobi moved around Grace's apartment, waiting for the woman in question to come out of the bedroom.

They had plans to go for dinner, just the two of them, to catch up on everything even if they had only seen each other three days ago. It wasn't often that Hobi could spend time with his other sister, on her own, without the interruption of Seokjin or Jungkook but now there was other competition for Grace's attention.

In the form of a large white cat with sticky up ears and large paws, looking like he was going to bite him any minute.

"You can pet him you know, he's very friendly," Grace commented as she walked out of the bedroom with the bag she couldn't find.

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