BTS MOMENTS - Jungkook & Grace

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Of all places to get injured, Jungkook would get the first major injury on tour and it would happen to be in London. It would happen when their a few hours away from going on stage at Wembley and it would be the first time that Grace got to perform in her home country. It wasn't anyone's fault, though it would later be privately agreed that Jungkook had been a bit of a pabo (idiot) but nevertheless, he was injured and would be bound to a chair throughout the whole performance.

It was towards the end that Grace noted Jungkook had turned away from the crowd, bent over at the waist and crying into his hands. She knew what this show meant to him, what this show meant to her and what it meant to both of them but she also knew he hated letting down their fans. ARMY understood, they always did.

She made her way over and knelt before the young man, reaching up to gently comb her fingers through his hair. "What's wrong?" Grace muttered to him, low enough that both microphones wouldn't pick up what they were talking about. "I messed up," Jungkook cried as he straightened to wipe his tears away.

"Tokki (bunny), it's not your fault. These things happen and they happen for a reason. ARMY understands, just listen to him." The screams from the crowd had only heightened when the two were caught on camera and projected onto the main screen, causing the boys to turn around and look.

"Come on, let's finish this," Grace added as she used her hands to wipe away the tears that continued to roll down Jungkook's cheeks. She stood by his side, one hand on his shoulder as he leaned his body weight into her stomach. If there was ever a point that Grace showed her motherly side, it would always be for Jungkook - her bunny. And this wouldn't be the first and it would't be the last that ARMY would witness this kind of behaviour beween the two. Not only did it trend on that Twitter, it became a bit of meme, one that BTS would later comment on when they watched the tour movie.

"You are such a mother," Jin commented as he snacked on nachos and Grace turned in her seat, ignoring Jimin's giggles next to her, as she turned to look at the second oldest. "Like you're any better. Pushing him around in his wheelchair and making him he loved you," she pointed out, ignoring all laughter now coming from the boys.

"You do mother him though," Yoongi added his two cents and she sighed, rolling her eyes before catching Jungkook's gaze. "Well, he is my bunny after all. Someone needs to look after him."

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