BTS MOMENTS: Grace & Jimin - And one, two, three

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It had been many, many years since Grace had done any kind of ballet or ballroom dancing. Though the skills were there and she remembered the steps easily enough, her brain had become so attuned to the choreography of BTS that it felt weird to even try to get her feet to follow the steps of Swan Lake, a performance she had done in her early teen years.

It was even more awkward that Jimin had promised ARMY that he and Grace would be doing said ballet steps on a live which had caused the whole idea to trend on Twitter. So she had been seriously studying the steps of one part of Swan Lake that she knew Jimin could easily follow along.

All in all, she was going to kill him.

But the camera was set up, the live was on and Jimin had been entertaining ARMY for the past half an hour until Grace came into the dance practice studio with her ballet shoes on.

"Ah noona, it's time?" Jimin asked excitedly, pushing the camera as far away as he could so they were in full view.

"I don't know how well this is going to go but at least it will be entertaining," she sighed after giving a quick wave to ARMY and saying hello.

Of course, it went as expected.

Jimin caught on very quickly, having his own training and she easily guided him through the steps and the practice until one run-through was managed without mishap. She couldn't see the comments from here but at how fast they were flying up the screen, she garnered a guess that ARMY was loving it.

Taking a break to have some water, Jimin caught the comments about Grace's background in ballroom dancing. He grinned, placing his water down and spinning on his backside to look up at his dancing partner.

"ARMY want to see your ballroom dancing noona, something about a waltz?"

Now, it was difficult to teach a waltz with a partner who knew nothing about the dance and it was even harder to do it in the space they had, let alone do the dance without the heels. Grace hesitated, knowing she had taught a simple and slow waltz to Hobi a while back and she had promised Jimin one day she would teach him as well but that was for when they were on their own and no cameras.

"Okay, I can teach you the basics but it's a skill that takes a bit of getting used to."

Thankfully, Jimin was an eager learner.

"Right, put your arm here," she instructed as she moved his arm so his hand was pressing against her back. "And hold my hand here," she added as she stretched out the other so they were grasping. "And then I'll put my hand here," she continued by placing her hand on his upper arm. Then she pushed herself onto nearly tip toes to mimic heels.

"Now, typically, the male leads and the woman follows but we'll have to swap so you'll have to be the woman," she said causing Jimin to nearly fall over with laughter.

"Hey," she giggled to herself. "This is a serious thing."

"Sorry noona, continue."

"So it's basically a box step and it uses 1,2,3,1,2,3 but it's just awkward without you seeing it first. The best thing to do for now is just follow and trust me to lead."

Of course, Jimin could trust his noona to lead him and of course, he had complete and utter faith that she knew what she was doing but he soon found out that trying to look at your partner's feet and yours and follow was difficult.

But once again, that contemporary training kicked in and soon he was following until she turned them around, moving to the left then when half a box was done, she moved them again.

It took another two hours but a full complete turn was done and she let Jimin go, who all but collapsed onto the floor.

"I'll see if I can find us a proper teacher, just don't tell Hobi," she muttered to him with a grin as she pushed his sweaty hair away from his face.

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