Yoongi & Grace: Future's Gonna Be Okay

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It was nice to not have many plans now his military service had been announced. His tour across the world with his solo trilogy albums was completed, his tattoo was revealed, he had seen his brothers and now the healing could truly begin. Of course, he had seen the news blow up on Twitter and ARMY's response.

'Couldn't have Big Hit even us more than 24 hours? We're not recovering from the concert.'

'First Yoongi breaks my heart by crying and now he does this? What the hell SUGA?!'

But it is what it is.

It has to be done.

It had been great to have dinner with all six of the boys and Grace. Of course, she wasn't going to miss out on seeing his last concert and he knew she had been backstage, ready to take the mic from Adora in case she needed to jump in to cover the tracks he couldn't get through. As much as he struggled, he got through those three tracks even with tears and snot covering his face.

He loved her for that. That she was always there, ready to jump in. She did it for everyone.

It was also nice to see the family dynamics at play again with Seokjin & Grace reunited, Jungkook reunited with his adopted parents, Jimin back with his sister, and Taehyung back with his partner in crime. How they controlled the grown-up maknae line with gentle prods. How they soothed an anxious Namjoon and a bouncing Hobi.

Yoongi had the chance to sit back and watch it all, surprised he missed the feeling even after living alone for the past couple of years.

Now he would be the next one to leave.

And he knew what it was like for Grace to say goodbye to Seokjin and Hobi.

Now she would have to say goodbye to her twin.

It was always joked that Yoongi and Grace were two cats in a pod. The near enough same personality, the cool exterior but the massive warmth underneath. How they would do anything for anyone. Yoongi's shadow. Grace's bodyguard. Yoongi's safe place. Grace's go-to.

Four more to go, another four to say goodbye to. All while prepping for her own solo career and world tour.

Of course, he found her in the practice room, the layout of the stage printed on paper and stuck on the mirror for everyone to memorise. The set list (which was changing every week) was printed up on the wall with handwritten notes from Grace, their performance director, choreographers and even the dancers.

Notes of costumes were on another wall with approval stamps from Balmain and Louboutin, more notes from the stylist team.

The whole floor at HYBE had been dedicated to Grace's solo career with Bang's office right at the end, the one spearheading the whole thing. Grace's own team, now currently nicknamed the Queen's Guard, was spread across other rooms. Yoongi was proud of her, in more ways than one.

"I thought I'd find you here," he said as he closed the door behind him and found Grace sitting on the floor, dance practice clothes on but covered in sweat, looking up at the setlist.

"Are you changing your mind again?" he then asked, sitting down next to her while handing over a large mug of tea and a doughnut.

"No, it's pretty much finalised. There's just a couple of tweaks to make with each stop but I've got a plan for that," she smiled as she gratefully took the offered items and wrapped her hands around the mug.

Of course, a lot of it had been hidden away from the boys as she wanted it to be a surprise for everyone including ARMY. So many surprises were coming their way that it was going to be a rollercoaster month starting from November and all the way through to when they came back together in 2025.

"How are you feeling now the notice has been put up?" Grace asked, nudging Yoongi to look at her.

"It's a relief. It's hard and it's worrying but Seokjin-hyung and Hobi have done alright. And the military have been informed of my shoulder so we'll take it day by day. How are you feeling?" he turned the question onto her, turning his head to fully look at her.

"Four more to go," she muttered with a dry laugh. "I agree with ARMY when they say the quicker you all go, the quicker you get back. And I do feel that. But not seeing you all for at least eighteen months is hard. Jungkook's is going to be the worst."

"Well, he is your baby after all."

He grinned at the look he got and took the doughnut back, breaking it in half so he could have some.

"But you're going to do well. ARMY is going to explode with all the things you've got planned and I'm sure Seokjin is going to be with you when he comes back for most of your tour, or he'll at least try to be. And I'll be keeping up to date with it all," Yoongi said around a mouthful of the doughnut which Grace tutted at.

"I know. I suppose I'm kind of getting used to the idea I'll be on my own but not fully. I know you all will be watching and supporting. But it would be nice to have you all there anyway." Grace finished off her tea and set the mug on the floor, letting out a long sigh.

The two stayed silent as Yoongi finished off the doughnut he brought. They stayed like that for a few minutes until he pushed himself up, brushed down his hands and held out his hands for his sister to take.

"Come on, Gigi. Let's go for dinner, my treat."

Grace took hold of her younger brother's hand and let him pull her up, giving her a quick but tight hug.

"Oh yuck, I'm covered in sweat now."

"I've got more dancing than you to do. All you did was stand there and bounce around."

"Bounce around? Did you see me sweating?"

"I saw you standing there yelling shibal for the world to repeat."


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