BTS MOMENTS: Seokjin & Grace - Don't worry about anything, I'll take care of it

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Trigger warning - mentions of periods and blood.

It wasn't often that Seokjin & Grace could share a bed.

Having separate rooms at the dorm or their separate apartments where they lived, it was a rare chance that the two of them spent the night in a bed together. It was meant to be a relaxed weekend, with no schedules, no other members, just the two of them doing whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

When Grace woke up at 2am with cramps, she knew that the weekend was over before it could even begin.

It was a slow slog to get herself up, get to the bathroom down the hallway and get her supplies.

Mother Nature, it seemed, had decided that Grace wouldn't enjoy the time with her boyfriend.

Everything took longer than normal it seemed and she was half awake, swallowing painkillers and getting a tampon. If she had been awake just a bit more, she would have seen the mess she had left behind from the bedroom to the bathroom.

What did wake her up was seeing her boyfriend, an idol and Worldwide Handsome at that, on his knees and using a wipe.

"What are you doing?" Grace asked, reaching up to rub her eyes to see if they weren't deceiving her.

"I'm cleaning up your trail," Seokjin wiped the last bit of blood he could see and straightened up.

It was only then Grace realised what had happened and she groaned, covering her face with her hands.

"I'm sorry."

"What do you need to be sorry for?" her boyfriend chuckled, throwing the wipes away in the bathroom bin. "I was more worried you had been murdered in the bed when I woke up."

"Is it bad?" she asked, peeking through her fingers.

"Don't worry about anything, I'll take care of it. Go and make yourself a hot water bottle and we'll have a night on the couch."

That meant it was bad.

Oh no.

With an embarrassed groan, Grace shuffled to the kitchen to do exactly what Seokjin had told her to do.

She could hear him pottering around in the bedroom, the sound of sheets being stripped and then the slapping of feet against tiles as he wandered to the utility room, the sound of the washer's door being opened then closed and then the hum of it starting. More footsteps back to the bedroom where he disappeared for a good ten minutes while she got her hot water bottle as well as a cup of tea and made herself comfortable on the couch.

The only good thing out of the whole night was the painkillers were leaking, her boyfriend was taking care of everything and she hadn't leaked since.

"There we go," Seokjin sighed as he joined her underneath the blanket and stole a sip of her tea.

"Thank you for doing that for me," she said as she leaned her entire weight against his side.

"Like I said, don't worry about anything. I'll take care of it."

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