Grace & Min-Ji: The story of how they came to be

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Everyone in BTS had a pet at one point. Taehyung had Yeontan, Namjoon had Monie, Yoongi had Holly, Hobi had Mickey, Jin had three sugar gliders as well as a Jjangu and Jungkook had Gureum then Bam and Jimin had his childhood pet Ddosun.

Grace, however, never had any pets growing up. She had been content to deal with friends' pets, getting cuddles from the BTS pets or animals on set. And the break came. She had more time on her hands now and since she was living completely separately now to her bandmates, she was starting to feel a bit lonely.

She needed a pet that would be independent but easy to look after, considering she would have to give the pet to her parents to look after at one point. After discussions with her parents and Jin, a cat was decided on. But Grace being Grace, she didn't want just a pretty cat who would look good on Instagram.

Her eyes had been on getting a Maine-coon cat - a massive feline with a powerful yet muscular athletic body with large pointed ears and thick fluffy fur. Little tufts of fur on their ears and paws and their tail would be at least as long as their body. Sociable, extremely intelligent and active.

So the hunt began.

There was a breeder in Busan who bred cats from Malaysia and they happened to have a few kittens as well as adult cats for sale. Grace had been keeping an eye on their Facebook page since they announced the cats were available and it didn't take much convincing to get Jin in the car and for a short road trip to Busan.

"All this way for a cat," Jin had grumbled but had packed a bag anyway and filled up the car without much sighing. While he didn't feel the need to have a pet, he knew in a year that he would be in the military and Grace would be on her own.

She had seen a white cat in the background of a video, completely ignoring the fact that someone was trying to film it. It moved easily around the other cats, unbothered, content to climb up the cat tower and lick its large paws. That was the one she had her eyes on.

Being two members of BTS allowed private access to the cattery and Jin found himself surrounded by cats of different sizes and types.

"I guess you're a pussy magnet," Grace quipped with a sly grin. The shocked gasp from the man in question made her laugh as she headed in the direction of the cat that had caught her eye from the beginning.

There he was, completely chill and not bothered by the two strangers in the room. He lounged on the windowsill, tail waving lazily against the breeze as he stared out the window. Quietly and trying not to spook him, Grace sat down against the wall the window was on and simply waited.

It was as if he knew his presence was needed because the white cat stood and stretched and turned around to use Grace's shoulders to get down and straight into her lap where he curled up into a ball.

"I take it he's the one," Jin asked as he came over, completely covered in cat hair yet he couldn't help but grin at the amazed smile on Grace's face. He knew she had fallen head over heels for the feline.

"I think I've been chosen instead."

The paperwork took an hour and a little visit to the vet on the way, but Grace came home with the white cat she wanted and named on the spot.


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